• "Dear sir, are you my judge?" She asked.
    "No child, I am the judge of those who have done no wrong." Replied the Perfect.
    "I can't have been all bad!?" she cried.
    The perfect shooed her away with a smirk.

    "Miss, please tell me. Are you to be my judge?" Was her next question.
    "No child, I am the judge of those who's wrongs out weigh their rights." Replied the Corrupt.
    "Surely I have fallen into that!" Her doubts replied.
    The Corrupt shook its head and laughed. Sending her on her way.

    "Can you answer me, are you to be my judge?" Her final question.
    "I judge none but myself." Replied The Certain
    "Then who is to judge me!?" She exclaimed in final desperation.
    "Hmm... You seem lost, you should find yourself first." The Certain stated.
    She glared in frustration. "I just want an answer."
    "and if there is none?"
    She contemplated this, "well..then I suppose I might have to come up with my own..."
    "Exactly! Now you're getting somewhere!" So, what is your decree?" The Certain exclaimed.
    " I declare myself free!"

    The Perfect and Corrupt laughed sinisterly. "What will your freedom bring you? Fitting in nowhere. You will die alone."

    "We fit in just fine." The Misfits replied with a final smile.