• "get in there and dont make a sound." molly demanded opening the small almost invisible door. i crawled in and ran to the bed. like a chiled i hide under the covers in fear.
    Under the covers the tears escaped my eyes. the warm wet drops slid down my cheeks. I cryed for a moment or two before i rememberd mollys demand. i held in my tears and my breath. i was afraid to make any movement what so ever. silence made everything go by slower. i waited to hear some sign of life. i waited and waited under the covers, but nothing came. i shut my eyes and hoped it was all just a dream. i would wake up in my room, on my bed with my legs tangeld in the black bed sheets, in my mothers apartment. sleep took over suddenly as i layed there waiting in complet silence.
    a loud slam woke me up but a dared no move. my heart fluttered in my chest as i held my breath.
    the small door creeked open and and someone who was breathing heavy. i felt their eyes move around the room untill they were on me. who ever they were they creped clouser and clouser to me. i through off the covers and locked my eyes on to the figur standing next to the bed. the person was bloody, cut, brused, and pail. vains poped out of most of his body and his clouths were wet shreded and durty.
    his hand reached out to grab me slowly. i was frozen in shock realizing this man... was alucard. alucards fangs grew bigger than the last time he fed on me. he pulled me clouse to him and sank his fangs into my shoulder. i held in the scream of pain and my body tensed up. im breathing became erotic. i huffed and gasped, as my face flushed. i held him and felt as if i was falling. he pushed me down to the bed still holding me in his arms, his fangs still in my shoulder.
    my eyelids became heavy and my grip sliped. before i lost consciousness i stated mostly to myself, "I'm glad Alucards okay..." he removed his fangs and looked at me. the only thing i saw was his mouth making a shocked O shape.
    when i regaind consciousness molly was snuggled up against my right arm. her long hair was tied back in a pony tail. her eyes opened and she stated, "i'm glad you woke up." i was dumb struck. what did she mean by that? it made me think really hard for a moment befoe she answered the question in my head. "I was afraid you were going to die." she said bluntly.my expreshion jumped from confusion to shock. "what?" i asked. "alucard nearly draind you of every drop of blood you had." she explained then continued, "you see when a 'vampire' gets in a realy bad fight or battle they get badly injured like you saw Alucard was last week." my mind jumped to the image of how hurt alucard was. "wait was out cold for a week?!" i exclamed.
    "yes. thats why i was so worried." she said in a sad tone.
    "i'm sorry molly. but that really shocked me." i explaind apolajeticly. "do you want to see alucard?" she asked starting to stand. i wanted to say yes but i didn't want alucard to be bothered by such a trivial matter. "no, thats alright Molly." i stated.
    "he's really worried about you, ya'know?" she said looking down at her feet. i blushed deeply and and cloused my eyes. "if he dosnt want to see me then don't bug him." i stated in an agressive tone. she smiled and giggled as she retreated out of the room.

    ..... to be continued....