• Long ago there was a crash and the middle of night 15 years ago, people in the village of Hollow looked for the this "thing" that fall out of the sky but it was never found.Alarm beeping, "i have to go to school, scratching his back and neck." Let's see what for breakfast hmmmm cereal, one slice of pizza, apples, pudding, and thats it". I'll just go get dressed. After getting dressed he puts his shoes on and runs out the house slamming the door. "This is great I well pass this test theres no way in hell that I well not pass, Atsuko sees his friend running down the hill,"hey Miko " he said with a wave and a smile. Miko turned to wave back and hit a pole making him fall and cry out in pain. Giggling "are you okay Miko are you hurt", you think this is funny you jackass i should break you in half", calm down it was a accident. Could we'll be late to school if we don't hurry, Atsuko started to run and Miko trys to catch up both boys run into the class yelling " i beat you first". "Boys calm down and take your sits before both of you sit in the corner like the winner you are", "yes Miss.Aya" both boys said.As soon as class was over Miko and Atsuko both went to eat lunch, both boys were talking when Miko felt a strong scary dark presents watching him." Hey Atsuko i'm have to go to the bathroom i'll be at lunch in a minute okay"," sure Miko". He started to run when he got far away from Atsuko "what is this... feeling like i can't believe what i'm feeling". He stop and started to shiver all over and didn't understand why this was happening," Hello are you Miko wow you have grown so much you look just like your father"." wh...wh...who are you ", "i'm a friend of your father's", your wrong i don't have a father not even a family. The strange men walks over and grabs Miko by his chin and looks him in the eyes" is that you were told or did you make the up yourself to fell the pain your still weak do you even no how to use any of your powers" Miko eyes started to glow with amazement "hmmmm...tell me how old are you now". "I'm...i'm 15", "wow 15 you so weak and your 15", Miko looked down at the floor then looked up" who the hell do you keep calling weak i suffered alone with no one to hug to give me a kiss on the cheek to tell me thats alright but no i was alone I don't even remember how i even got here how do I even no Miko his my real name" Miko starts to cry." Are you done yelling at me I already know what happen to you stop crying" the strange man snapped his fingers and Miko and him were in a new world it was calm and dark with beautiful and had fruit and little animals." Do you like it" Miko shuck his head "my name is Adric i'm your yours to keep or throw away i was your fathers or the king when he died, i'm yours now Miko. Do you want to know what your name means it means beautiful child your mother gave you that name because you have her beautiful eyes and when you were older you would look like a strong gentleman and I have to see that through I will teach you how use your power and to be the king of your country. So Prince Miko come with me and you will be king, Miko grabbed Adric hand with a smile and thought i'm not alone anymore. Chapter 1 complete If your want more send me a message and i'll make more.