• As Kat was walking down the hall to 3rd period with his friends they see a girl. Britlynn said "Well hey isent she a tea cup in a dress? She is the prettyest girl i have ever seen huh guys?" Kat looked at her and Blushed. Frindad said " heh heh well look at Kat i think he has a crush on the tea cup." (as Frindad elbows Kat 2 times) Kat said "well hey guys we gotta go to class, see you at lunch."As Frindad and Britlynn both said" well yeah man cuz we got no other classes together besides foodness class." Kat smiles and waves to them as they both walk into Mr.Haven's class. Kat thinks to him self , i wish history was not so far away, as he laughs under his breath. *click click click click* Kat hears the sound of steletos hitting the floor trying to keep up with some one or some thing. Kat turns his head to see who it is, its the tea cup girl. He turns around and says, " Hey are you the new girl? Do you need me to help you get to the next class?" She stops and looks at him, and tries to say something but nothing comes out. She gets terry-eyed and runs past him. Kat looks at her again and says to him self, i wonder whats wrong with her, poor kid.