• Alexxander, they called him. More specifically, Commander Alex. He was a well respected leader in the Huron Kingdom, with his gold blonde hair, hazel eyes, and muscular figure. He has had almost two decades, now, of combat experience. He was drafted when he was fourteen, and has climbed up the ranks ever since. Soon after his recruitment, actually, he displayed an impressive skill for hand to hand combat, and impressed his Captain. He himself became a Captain, where he continued to awe his superiors.

    Now, though, he was kneeling bumbly at the feet of King Syr, leader of the Huron kingdom. Syr smiled warmly down at his trusted friend. "Stand, Alex." He commanded. Alexxander stood, and crossed his arms over his chest. "Why have you called me in here, M'Lord?" He asked. Syr chuckled, and walked by to his throne. He sat in it, cradling his head in his right hand. "You never did like to beat around the bush, Alexxander. A quality to be admired." Alex nodded. "Thank you Sir." He said. He watched as the King pulled out a scroll and handed held it out. Alexxander took it and unrolled it, raising a brow. "A..map?"

    Syr nodded and leaned up in his chair. "You ever heard of the Sword of Light?"

    Alexxander's horse, Black, clumped through the wide open field. Alex examined his surroundings. To the right lay a wide river, on the other side of which was forbidden land. Rumor had it nothing lie there but necromancers and evil.

    To the left lay a mountain range on the horizon. Alex had just finished his journey through it to reach this place, the objective of his mission. This place, you see, was a cave. Deep in this cave, it was rumoured the Sword of Light was stowed away for the chosen one to take. The King hoped Alex was that man, and sent him on this mission. The chosen one would succed him for the throne.

    Alex was clad in silver plate armored with a golden trim. His hair fell to his shoulders, and his red cape blew calmly in the wind. His eyes, which contained memories of horror and...well...pleasure...stared into the darkness of the cave before him. He knew he would have to use the sword dangling in a sheathe on his left hip. He sighed, and moved into the cave. Black stayed behind, awaiting his Master's return.

    Alex unsheathed his iron longsword. He glanced around in the darkness of the cave, wishing he were an owl, or a mage. The darkness engulfed him. The odd thing, though, about this darkness, was that it felt like it was digging into his very soul. He felt it, crawling around inside of him. He felt it was reading his thoughts, that it knew his deepest fears. That, in itself, was on of those fears.

    Alex's thoughts were interrupted by a large bang. It came from in front of him. He bravely held the sword infront of his face and continued down the tunnel, as the banging grew constantly louder. And then....

    A whip crossed his face, sending a large crack through the air. Alex fell to the floor of the cavern, holding his face. He could tell the whip had cut deep, perhaps even blinded him in his right eye. He had dropped his sword somewhere to the right. Great... He thought. He reached around for the sword, and the whip cracked painlessly on the chest of his plate armor. Then he felt what had been making that clanking sound. A sword was brought down on his chest. Clang, Clang, Clang! It went. Finally it broke the armor, and grazed his chest. Alex rolled to the right, and reached around with his arms.

    Finally, he found the sword. He hopped up, and swung like a madman. Left, right, left and right, he swung. Finally, he heard sword make contact with flesh, and the fighting stopped. Alexx bent over to examine the dead bodies of his attackers. He made out the faint outline of two trolls, one holding a whip...and the other, the coveted Sword of Light! Alex picked it out of the dead troll's hands, and laughed victoriously.

    Alex made his way outside the cave, to find Black still standing there waiting for him. He sheathed his sword, and hopped on his horse, ready to make his way back to the kingdom, ready to show the Sword off to King Syr. Black rared on his hindlegs, and sped off toward the mountains Alexx held the reigns tightly in his hands. So tightly, even, that it took two arrows to his exposed chest to completely knock him off. He slipped off the back of his horse, landing on the ground with a thud. Blood covered the torso of his armor, and Alex felt himself slipping into death. His forced his eyes to stay open at least a sliver, listening to the sound of hooves clodding toward him. The amount of horses made the ground shake. So much so that Alex knew it had to be an army. But..who?

    A tear slipped out of Alex's eye as King Syr bent over him. "Thanks for gettin the Sword for me, you fool!" Syr said, and Alex saw no more.