• Merged Team - Day 18

    *Clip of everyone.*

    Kiah: (camera) Wow...im gonna be in the final 6! I'm so happy I made it this far! :] Only thing thats bad is...Lucky or Ririsu might be going home tonight... =[

    *Clip of Alex and Willow talking.*

    Willow: To be honest, I can't stand all 3 of them. Lucky is VERY strong, and Ririsu is VERY likable. Kiah has immunity. Whatre u we gonna do?

    Alex: We have to think long term >.<

    Alex: We dont know who to get rid of. It's hard =/

    *Clip of Ririsu almost tripping.*

    Ririsu: AH! Dx

    Lucky: o.o

    *Lucky and Kiah walk up to Snow.*

    Lucky: Hey, you got a minute?

    Snow: Yush :3

    *They then walk along the shore.*

    Lucky: (to Snow) Ok, here's the thing you need to think about...do you REALLY think that Alex, Leland and Willow are taking you to the finals?

    Snow: Yeah ._.

    Kiah: Look, Willow and Leland are RELATED and Alex is like, their brother from another mother. Most likely you're going to be in 4th place. If you vote with US, you have a higher chance of getting to the final 2.

    Snow: o.o

    Snow: (camera) Wow, I don't know what to do! D: I dont even think everyone knows who they're voting for. But....i love my alliance...and I wanna win! D:

    *Clip of Leland walking to Alex.*

    Leland: You know Lucky and Kiah are talking to Snow?

    Alex: Snow is with us! I hope it stays that way! >.<

    Leland: o:

    Leland: (camera) Whats gonna happen tonight? Totally unpredicatble....what to do, what to do...

    *Clip of everyone walking with their torches.*



    *Nighttime. We see Willow, Ririsu, Lucky, Alex, Snow, Leland and Kiah walking with their torches lit to tribal.*

    *The flames along the path light up the way.*

    *A large spider slowly creeps up the path.*

    *They all walk under the arch and up the steps.*

    *Yummi is waiting for them and they all come in, put their torches behind them and sit down.*

    Yummi: Welcome back!

    *Clip of everyone.*

    Yummi: Ok well tonight's tribal council isn't gonna depend on who you vote off...but HOW you vote them off. Because 5 people need to be voted off for there to be a final 2
    Those five will become the members of the jury where in the end, they will vote for a winner.

    Everyone: o:

    Yummi: Okay, Kiah, now that you have immunity, how do you feel?

    Kiah: I feel REALLY good. n.n im gonna be in the final 6, and hopefully next challenge isnt so...hard XD

    Yummi: Alex, has there been any talk? drama?

    Alex: ALOT. Lucky and Willow had a small thing that happened. Then i see Kiah and Lucky trying to talk to Snow...

    Yummi: Snow what were they talking to you about?

    Snow: Me trying to switch sides. I mean, yeahh i understand what they're talking about and everything...but idk :/

    Yummi: Leland are you nervous that Snow might be changing back?

    Leland: Kind of, but i don't think Snow would do something like that.

    Lucky: If she's smart she would >_>

    Snow: o.o

    Yummi: Ririsu, how are you feeling with the vote?

    Ririsu: VERY uncomfortable. I mean Kiah has immunity, and if Snow doesn't change her mind...it's gonna be me or Lucky going home tonight =[

    Yummi: Okay, Kiah has immunity, you CANNOT vote for Kiah, everyone else is fair game, it's time to vote! Dx