• "When will luck come?" I've wondered ever since I was born, ever since the day "that" .... no, I don't want to recall the most painful memory of all painful memories. However, let me tell you something. Something so frightening, unbearable, extinguished from reality, that you'll never forget. Oh wait, I better not tell you that now. For now, it's time to explain my invincible experiences. Yes, although I pity my life, I am the great and wonderful arrogant kind of invincible person, never giving up until the very end. That's me, Tonda Inorimasu. Kukuku.


    "Ow! What the ******** are you doing?" spatted Tonda, as a number of delinquents gathered up to hit him.
    "Nothing," they replied cruelly, "we just felt like beating you up because of your lame a** arrogancy!"
    Tonda stood up, blood covering his face, his body, however, is barely scratched. "Hmph! Is this the best you can do, you bald-headed cup of worms?" He leaped forward to fight the delinquents. The first delinquent got knocked down easily. The second one use a stick to try and hit Tonda, but Tonda poked his d**k. Finally, when Tonda is about to strike the last delinquent using the Clawfist Power of Doom, the last delinquent hit his face with a simple slap. Tonda crushed to the ground.
    "You're weak, a**" grinned the final delinquent, walking away with his other number of delinquents and the two defeated worms.

    Meanwhile, Tonda withered in pain. He had fought more than 30 delinquent gangs today, and had won 10 of them, other 5 he ran away from. He coughed blood. [********! Why does this s**t always happen to me? he thought miserably. He walked home, got scolded by his dad for fighting for the billionth time, and shut himself in his room. This has got to change,[/] he thought. I can't keep up with this until the day I get erased from existence. Just why is my fate so terrible? And tiredly, after a whole night of thinking, he went to bed, without even caring about his homework.

    --------------- undone------------ (MORE INTENSITY LATER)