• The Snow Beast

    The snow danced daintily outside the window in the air as Anslin hurried to get his sweater on, it was oversized for his age and grey... but it was his favorite for when it snowed, and it didn’t snow often.
    "Anslin it’s been snowing for a while! Soon it’ll all go away... hurry up sweetie!"
    Tugging the sleeve over his left arm he panted excitedly and annoyed "Yeah mom I know I’m coming!!"

    He jerked on his boots and trotted down the stairs smiling at his mother with the widest smile she'd ever seen, she gave him a hands on hip smirk and took his shoulders " Ok, out the door kid," she opened the back door, one hand griped tight on him" And don’t you go too far.. or else when you come home I’ll get you and you don’t want that." he looked up at her " Yes ma’am, no running off ma’am," he gave her a hand solute and ran out of her grip into the frozen rain.

    He had a great time walking in the foot-deep white sea in the big field; he could see his house just fine! Not far away, he could even see his mom through the window; he smiled big at her and then plopped into the snow. His big scarf covering his face as he fell. It was dry snow... not good enough to make snowballs to hit owls with, it made him a little disappointed but he could still practically swim in the snow at points, so he was happy.
    He looked up and at the kitchen window of his house and didn’t see his mother -Now’s the chance! - He thought, and right after, dashed across the snow until he couldn’t see his house any longer... by that time he was out of breath. Luckily, he came up to the woods and stayed under a tree that was hunched; and seemed like it was even a great spot to hide from the heavy snow. The snow started to pour heavier but not in the woods, there were too many evergreens for the flakes to fall.

    As soon as his breath was allowed to him again he walked into the woods, the snow making faint tapping noises on the leaves and pins of pine and Magnolia trees, the snow of course was not as deep here and so it made the walk more peaceful he picked up and stick and twirled it around, imagining he was in battle with any kind of Mystic beast, maybe half animal hybrid.. Oh yes! He was killing them all! And on in his mind --

    *hrumphhhh* ... he looked around...

    It was a snort like a huge animal was around... he thought he might have just been imagining too hard and threw the stick away; it was a little creepy though. He looked around searching for anything that could have made such a sound...

    *snort...Hmmmph* ... *Vwaaadomph* he scanned the woods yet to find anything... he started to wonder what he'd gotten himself into... maybe it was in his head -Have you gone mad? You really need to stop imagining things... and if you’re not... run...- his thoughts seemed worth listening to... and he did, he ran, whatever it was... it wasn't going to get him

    There was a hill coming in front of him soon and he braced himself because it was steep. For extra support he grabbed onto trees and vines until he was at the top. And oh what did he find...

    Laying there in front of little eleven year old Anslin as an animal so big he almost could have screamed and died. It looked like it could be 2 stories tall if it stood. Its head, as big as about four cars stacked on-top of each other, and so unusual yet, so whimsical.. It was a gigantic Black Tiger.

    Its coat was light enough to see the markings and stripes however... dark enough to call it black, the underside of its paws white and the pads black, its eyes a cool grey and its belly a light gray, the Tiger owned a pair of black angels wings twice the size of its body on each and the wingspan must have been astronomical...

    When Anslin finally got over the shock it was his curiosity that took him over... he reached out his hand to the animal... the creature, whatever it was ... and touched its wet, icy nose, then it drew in a long breath and slowly let it out. Lifting its tattered wing, it broke through branches and stuck it high in the air. Anslin's pale green eyes followed it until he nearly broke his neck to look at it; and then he followed it back down as it flopped back to the ground, blowing snow (and almost him) away... the tiger sighed such a terrible sound and then a voice was in the boy’s head

    "Help... I’m wounded..." it said... a voice of many voices and deep yet so desperate... it scared the boy to bits. His eyes opened wide as the animal looked at him with its pale eyes...

    "Please... I'm hurt... and I need a boy with a heart like yours to help me..."

    Even though he wasn't sure about the first time, now he was sure it was the Animal and not his colorful imagination again. Fear struck him like a fist “where..?" he whispered and lowered his hand from the nose. A pulse went through the ground and right after came the voice again “at my heart... under my front leg..." the tiger moved its leg slowly and Anslin could tell the creature was in pain. After the movement... he saw a rod with a tail made into it, it was just a small bit transparent and almost looking like a glass/ metal rod.... blood was trickling from the wound.

    Anslin drew in a breath as if it would feed confidence to his body, put on a serious face and grabbed the pole... but he couldn't feel it... his hands were numb
    “I can’t... I can’t grip it!" he panted, as he tried to pull and pull, another pulse came, " I will help you... pull and I will give you feeling in your hands, I don't need to give you strength" the words faded and so did the numbness as he pry and tugged, and soon a harsh cutting noise was heard and the tiger gave a low roar... it scared Anslin but forced him to try harder. He stopped for a breath but the pulse came again with its following words "Don't stop for yourself, endurance makes a strong heart as yours stronger" it looked at him and roared louder in pain... Anslin stopped with his break and tugged as hard as he could, heaving with all his might the pole started to slide and with it were the terrible noises of tearing flesh and muscle; the chopping noises that made the poor boy feel as if he would be killing the animal anyway.

    And then it gave way and his own strength gave him to air as he feel backward and the pole hit the ground and rolled behind him. An earsplitting cry was made by the animal as its blood started to run quicker... the wound wasn't being healed...

    Pulses started to fly from the tiger... all it was giving the boy was constant screaming... shuttering off and on in his head until there wasn't anymore, and it was silent...

    Anslin scurried to his feet, scampering to the animal and its wound. Even though he thought it wouldn't help he covered it over with the torn flesh and fur, his face almost buried in the black coat. Startling him, a light glowed from his bare hands and he started to feel little bits of things were flowing into his palms. it felt rather itchy, but to his surprise it took only a little while until the wound closed up. He was in so much awe during it that when it was over he almost broke his ankle trying to back away.

    Another pulsed message as the creature opened its eyes and looked at the boy "Your strong heart …and consistent belief in my existence… gave you the power to do what you wanted most. Anslin. You are a powerful boy, and as I said, you have a strong heart. For saving me," The tiger shifted slowly onto all fours still lying "You are endowed the power to open the Gate, I shall make sure you are prepared for well when you arrive."

    "The gate..?" He inquired still in awe -how did he know my name..?-
    "Yes... The Gate..."

    To be continued

    Next chapter: The Silver Entryway

    "I am Celestine Kato the first of the Guardians of Septimus Seraphim" bellowed the Tiger...
    Anslin and Kato stared at each other for while until the snow subsided..