• I am invincible when I switch on my lustrous computer. My fingers type rapidly, as prompt as the wind, like a godly driver. My attentiveness deliberately rose from zero percent to one hundred. My cool control of my mind collapses, the moment I see my cronies emerging from the formidable computer’s super skewl screen. Intense, I use my God of Conquest Mode to play trillions of various types of games, disregarding everything around me. My mind has nil but games, hearing games sailing across the seas, zooming at full speed: vrooooom, games roaring up the sky: ZZZZRROOM, like a dragon howling; games inundationing down the mountains, rumbling like avalanches; and games horizontally, vertically, loading my mind, without flaw, unstoppable, and continuously repeating, like a mass destruction, awesome unending war with 500000 enemies to defeat. The immortal hypnotization ability of the computer abridges my lifespan. Yet, I lovefind irresistible with it, and want to experience the great supremacy of pain until the conclusion. Whirling hazardously in the midpoint of the circle with my extreme excellent elongated multiple hands, I continued gaming addictive games at once repetitively until my restrictions, which is when the God Mode came to an exhausted “closing stage.” However, because of my loveworship of the extremely comfortable and yet bearable pain, even when I reached the boundary, afterwards, I myself will explode, like a superhuman shimmering with light, surpassing my collapsing self of the past, and getting ridiculously powerful, receiving more joy, entertainment and enjoyment than ever, living the afterlife. Therefore, after the aftermath of my grandtime with my fellow comrades, my sacred soul would live another high-speed contented century, crying with happiness at this outstanding life.