• Caboose: I'm in a tank!
    Sheila: Target aquired
    Caboose: Wait a minute.. Thats not a target... Thats church!
    Church: Yea it's me! Whats going on down there?
    Sheila: Firing main cannon
    Caboose: Uh oh..
    Tucker: Uh oh..
    Church: What? Oh son of a-
    Tucker: Holy f**k! Church! You shot church you team killing f**k-tard!
    Caboose: I'm still laying here, why wont anyone help me?
    Church: Tucker... I have always wanted.. to tell you something...
    Tucker: Yea? What is it?
    Church: I hated you. I've always hated you.
    Tucker: Ya I know. Now shut up and die already.
    Tucker: Bow Chicka Bow Wow
    Caboose: Tucker.. Are you cold? Do you need a pig in a blanket?
    Caboose: My toes are getting prunny.
    Caboose: Look, Sarge! A sleeping person!
    Sarge: Oh smakaroons. He's not sleeping, son. He's dead.
    Caboose: Oh, good. I thought that was me because I am blue and I like to sleep. But if he is dead then that can't be me at all cause that's just silly.
    Caboose: Why are there six petals when there are four directions.
    Church: I would like to live in your world for ten minutes.
    Caboose: Yeah...I have a really good time.
    Church: Yeah it seems like it. You know, I don't think I'll get anything done but I probably wouldn't care that much.