• Rebellion: Swords of the fallen MISSION 1

    Kevin Narrator: This world is slowly rotting ever since the king of Moltavia. Dole or the king of demons took over the world of Pemdas. The way this thing works is when a human from the planet earth dies there soul joins the soul cycle and is reincarnated in a baby human here Pemdas. This is what earthan's think is heaven this is where you go if your good or bad it doesn't matter how you behave. This process works vice versa. It's not heaven any more. This world consists of three countries and three races the humans who live in Dilia, the angel's who live in the Kinticko Kingdom, and Demons we live in the largest country Moltavia. There used to be angels who lived on this world but they were whipped out of the face of the earth by Doles ultimate power known as heavens fiery. It's a large white beam that comes out of the sky.

    I'm a demon god. That means I'm the best types of demons that is also my blood line. that means my abilities are exponentially higher than any other demons. There are only two bloodlines of demon gods............Your probably wondering Why I'm in a high security military jail.

    I used to be a KNIGHT for Moltavia it is the top 15 best worriers in the demon. I was the fifth best Knight out of the 15. I'm now in the human rebellion against Moltavia. I lead the Moltavian dispatch to Dalia I was told to clear out the country Kill women and children. I followed King Doles orders I killed thousands o innocent people. Then I meet Mary...................................................................

    M soldier: Away From the door !(Points his gun at his head)

    Kevin Narrator: And today I'm breaking out of this place

    (Show the building next door. On the roof a Man in the rebellion uniform with a rocket launcher)

    R soldier: Tell me when.

    Vincent: (Lights his cigarette) Fire.

    (Rocket goes through a window and explodes. Vincent jumps though the window. Moltavian soldiers run down the hallways.)


    (Shoots a soldier in the face)

    Kevin: What took u so long.(door opens)

    Vincent: Sorry we struck traffic general Vonhellgates.(looks at him) you grew your hair out. Wow they really want you stuck here. Your wearing purified demon restraint armor. Your hand cuffed and your hand cuffs are chained to the wall and the room is electrically magnetized with a button from the outside some heavy stuff. Talk about over doing it. huh..(Starts to pick the look.)Let let me finish this. Cover the door!!!!

    R soldier: We got company! Hurry before the bring out the tank!(He starts to fire his gun)

    Vincent sad click) Got the locks (armor falls off) Go indulge yourself.

    Kevin: Right! Sword release! Here I go(looks back) I'll clear the path.

    M soldier: Damn he has escaped. Retreat! Before he attacks.


    M lieutenant: Bring in the tank! Clear the hallways.

    (a tank goes down the hallway an fires a rock at Kevin)


    (Kevin cuts the rocket in half. They fly into both walls in the hallway.)

    Vincent: (pulls out the rocket launcher)Eat This!!!(fire and hit the tank)

    (Tank explodes)

    Vincent: Lets go the helicopter is here. Lets hurry before Writo gets here.(helicopter starts to land)

    (Writo teleports behind them.)

    Writo: Where do you think you're going?

    Kevin: Fine bring it!

    Writo: (charges at Kevin) Die!!!!

    Kevin: (charges at Writo)Rahhhh!!!



    Kevin: Sword release!!! (Kevin summons a katana)

    Writo: Damn it!! NO!!( Katana cuts him in the chest)

    Kevin: (The katana evaporates) Are you prepared to die?

    Writo: (lands on his knees he Breaths heavy) Damn I forgot about the other sword.

    Rebecca: [telekinesis communication] Please Kevin don't kill him I beg of you.

    Writo: NO my wife I can't Go back as a loser Get out of our heads I don't want you to see this.

    Rebecca: please not as your former princess but as your old friend.

    {flash back} When they were five

    Rebecca: Lord Kevin

    Kevin: yes you're highness.

    Rebecca: When were grownups I want you to be my husband.

    Kevin: Yah ok (giggles)

    Dole: You two want to be like the two in the story. (Close the book in his hand)

    Rebecca and Kevin: Yes

    Kevin's Grandpa: (laughs) I Thought you wanted to be a knight not king. (Smile at Kevin)

    {Flash Back Done}

    Kevin: Fine I'll Let Writo live because of u not him. Understand this Writo if I se u on the battle field u won't be so lucky.

    Rebecca: Thank you Kevin.

    Writo: This Doesn't End thing between us. Next Time we meet I'll have your head.

    Kevin: I'll be weighting.

    Vincent: Lets lift off

    Pilot: Good to have you back General Vonhellgates.

    Kevin: Are we going home

    Pilot: No were going to the mountains over there to meet up with general Adel.

    Vincent: here are the Clippers you asked for.

    (Kevin starts to cut his hair)

    Vincent: Why are you cutting your hair.

    Kevin: Because...I look like him.

    Vincent: he is your grandfather you know there nothing you can do about it. Then he raised you as his son.

    Kevin: I can he disowned me as his son, his grandson, or his family member.

    {hospital: Writo}

    Dole: What happened Writo I thought you the unbeatable defense.

    Writo: I thought you took away that sword isn't it one of a kind. Then I lost focus.

    Dole: You of all people should know that a demon from a god blood line could never be separated from him because he can attach it to his soul. Thanks to demon energy known a dorga that is unlimited. that is what I learned.

    Writo: Your majesty I have a question. how was heaven I know you the son of our god. he banished you from heaven and sent you to the dark abyss as a punishment and........................

    Dmitry: Stop the s**t Writo just because you lost your honor coming back like this doesn't mean you speak of such things.

    Writo: Right Sir Dmitry Vonhellgates or do you prefer lord. You have no right to give me order since you son did this to me.

    Dmitry: It's not his fault you're a defender demon. You can't heal A wound that bad. Your pathetic piece of trash.

    Writo: Is that a challenge. Bring it!

    Dmitry: How can I call you a challenge if Kevin beat you and had no problem.

    Dole: Haven't you've gotten hurt enough for one day.

    {back to Kevin}

    Vincent: We're landing. He wants you to come alone.

    Adel: Yo. Comrade Long time no see.

    Kevin: Did you guys find Mary.

    Adel: Sorry, but Ava's unite was sent to look for her.

    Kevin: Really?

    Adel: No, I'm lying to you.

    Kevin: What?!

    Adel: No I'm just kidding. Here(hand him a suit case)It's your crap.

    Kevin: Including my gun.

    Adel: yup

    Kevin: (takes out a jacket and his shirt. Then puts it on.)Good.

    Adel: I know this is very soon We need you and Vincent to take out a high quality target.

    Kevin: Who's the target.

    Adel: Matt Thomas

    Kevin: Is Vincent coming.

    Adel: I'm afraid so.

    Kevin: They have history a Bad history together

    Adel: Wing and I are well aware that Mat killed Vincent's wife before he defected to Moltavia.

    Kevin: Fine

    Adel: Well I have to go.(Kevin pulls out his gun and cocks it back.)

    Kevin: It was nice.(Adel pulls out his wing and fly's away. Kevin goes to the helicopter and spins his hand in a circle.)

    {goes to next cut scene}

    [helicopter lands and show a factory]

    Pilot: Were landing prepare for extract. (Vincent and the soldier jump out Kevin teleported.)

    Vincent: (shows Vincent with a sniper rifle.) Who's the target.

    Kevin: Its Matt.
    Vincent: Kevin...... (shows the scope on Matt's head.) I don't know if I can do this

    {flash Backs of his wife flash though his head.}

    Helena: (show Helena dying in her arms.) Thank you for choosing me....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    Vincent: RAHHHHHHH! (shoots Matt in the head.)

    Kevin: (puts his hand on Vincent's shoulder)I'll take care of this.

    M soldier: Attack! Don't let them escape in the name of his majesty.

    Kevin: Advance!(Moldavian's fire at Kevin and the soldiers sliding down the hill.)

    [Kevin cut a Moltavian in half two vertically fire at him. He teleports behind them and cuts them in half horizontally. runs though a crowd of Moltavian soldiers and start cutting them into pieces. Vincent got up and pulled out the rocket launcher.{camera shows the rocket flying out and hitting the pack of soldiers} One was left and he tried to run away. Kevin throw his sword at him and hit his chest.]

    Kevin: (Gives Vincent a thumb up.) Good to have you back.

    {shows Matt gets larger his skin turns grey. his ears get pointy his muscle increase. Shows a close up of Matt's eye and his eyes turn yellow then change into a demon eyes. He gets up shirtless. Goes outside. }

    Vincent: No way(stairs at Matt) I shot him in the.........he's a demon

    Matt: Vincent I smell you....Your mine! (walks to Vincent)

    Kevin: No you don't (Kevin cuts Matt's chest. Blood spatters out of his chest.

    Matt: Damn you! Let me feast!

    [grabs Kevin's face and slams it into the floor]

    Matt: Die!(Put his hand to stab Kevin.)

    TO BE CONTINUED......................................................................................

    read the rest at http://www.wattpad.com/1035416-rebellion-swords-of-the-fallen-mission-2