• Day4, Right after summer school today Jimmy, a couple of friends and I went for a camping trip for an all guys out party type thing, we set up our tents and went looking for firewood. Jimmy and I stuck together so we didn't get lost, we found a bunch of wood and headed back for camp. When we got back to camp everyone else was already back we added our wood to the pile and started the fire. As the sun setted we started roasting marchmellows and hotdogs over the fire and ate them for dinner, then headed for bed, Jimmy and I shared a tent because he was still a bit afraid of being alone.

    Day5, Exactly 1:47 in the morning, I woke up to see Jimmy standing above me staring at me, it made me jump in fear. "Jimmy what the f*ck!" It must of knocked him out of the trance he was in because he started looking around and said "Sorry." Then headed back to sleep. We all woke up about 7:30ish and walked down to the lake for a swim, swam until 11:30 and walked back to camp for lunch we had bean soup cooked over the fire pit for lunch and after lunch we went back down to the lake and went fishing. We didn't catch very many fish but we kept the big ones and skinned them back at camp for dinner, it wasn't very filling but food was food. It was begining to get dark out and Joseph (one of our friends who went with us) Pulled out a wigi board from his bag and insisted that we would try it out, after a hour Jimmy finally agreed to trying it out... so we did. "Oh magical wigi board" Joseph began saying. "Is there a ghost haunting Jimmy?" The little arrow started to slide to 'Yes' "Okay who was pushing it?" Nobody had pushed it but we didn't believe it anyways. "okay lets try this again... Oh magical wigi board, if there is a ghost huanting Jimmy then do something to show your presence." As Joseph finished his little speech a cold gust of air blow threw the woods and blow out the fire making everything go dark, everyone decided it was time to to sleep so we did and i set my watch to 1:30 am alarm so i could wake up if Jimmy was standing above me again tonight.

    Day6, The cold brew across me feet woke me up, the tent door was left open, I lokked to my left and Jimmy wasn't there, I looked at my watch it had died at 1:29am. I got up and looked to see if he maybe got up to go to the bathroom or something he wasn't around the campsite so i decided to wake up the other guys, first tent was Jacob's tent, followed by David's tent, followed by Max's tent ending at Joseph's tent but when we got there he wasn't there, he must of left with Jimmy, or something we all thought. Everyone grabbed their flashlights and David had started up the fire again, and we began searching for Jimmy and Joseph. It was about 3:30ish I was guessing seeing as my watch stopped working, and I heard a little shivering sound coming from a nearby tree, as I approached it I saw Jimmy rolled up in a ball shivering and soaking wet, "Hey guys I found Jimmy!" I shouted waving my flashlight around until everyone got to me, it wasn't until i pointed my flashlight at Jimmy's clothes did i know he was covered in blood. "Jimmy" I said softly. "Did you do anything to Joseph?" I asked. Jimmy was in shock mumbling something under his breathe, we took him back to the campsite to warm him up, David and Max went back out looking for Joseph. Jacob's watch said it was 6:17am so we started making breakfast and packing up. By now it was 8:30am and we started eatting breakfast, "Jacob, I'm going to take Jimmy home, call me if you guys find him." "Alright, be safe." As we got to Jimmy's house, his parents ran outsite screaming in fear of their child covered in blood. "It's not his blood, I checked him already." I said to them. "Thank goodness, was anyone else hurt?" His mother asked me. "What do you mean?" I replied. "You mean you don't know about Joseph getting car by a car in the middle of the night?" "He what?! Where is he now?" "He is in the hospital on life support for now." "Alright thanks for the info I got to tell the others." I said running back towards the campsite. My cellphone began to ring so I answered it. "Steven, there is blood all over the road with footprints and tire skid marks and everything!" Jacob had told me. "Joseph got hit by that car last night and is in the hospital right now." I replied. "Okay we will meet you there." I waitted until everyone arrived to go see Joseph, everyone but Jimmy who was too scared to do anything right now. As we walked in the room the docter was in there with him, "He doesn't need to have visitors right now." He said but Jacob stepped forward and said "He was with us in our group campping the last couple days." The doctor looked at him as if he was interested in his story. "So you know what we was running from?" "What do you mean?" "The witness, the one who drove into him said he darted across the road running from someone and hit the front corner of her car but before she could get out of her car this other boy ran out and tried to attack her so she ran back in her call and drove off and called the police." Suddenly a long beep sound started, the doctor said "I'm sorry boys but your friend has died." Then my watch alarm went off I looked at my watch and it had started running again. I didn't think much of it at the time because everyone just wanted to get home. Later the night I fell asleep early, much earlier than usual.