Ellison Stone was in big trouble. He had only attempted to clean the top shelf on the case, but somehow managed to release and entire army of Fuzzles.
“Get back here!” Ellison yelled chasing a green Fuzzle down one of the many isles. “Gotcha!” He said tackling the small creature. “Back in the jar you go,” He added popping the creature into the heavy jar at his side.
His fox like ears on the top of his head twitched as he listened for the nearest Fuzzle. A Fuzzle might look cute, but many people know how dangerous they are. Their cousins the Wuzzles were a completely different matter. Ellison quickly located all of the Fuzzles that had escaped and quickly placed the jar back on the top self with a label that read ‘Contains Fuzzles; careful when handling.’
Ellison sighed as he jumped off the ladder. How did I get myself into this? He asked himself. His tail swung back and forth, brushing up spider webs and dust with each pass. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a list with flamboyant green ink on it.
“Clean Mythology section: check,” Ellison read. “Sweep floor: check, Re-label potions: check, Make tea for my arrival at Half past 3 this afternoon: Crap,” He said spinning towards the nearest clock, “Crap!” He yelled taking off at a full run.
It was already 15 minutes past 1, and Raven Jenkins was always 2 hours early, always.
Ellison slid into the kitchen, the speed causing his dark hair to blow out of his face, showing off two mix matching eyes. He grabbed the nearest kettle and threw it onto the hook by the fire slopping water into it. He dived into the cupboards and found two half way clean cups.
“That should do it,” Ellison said proudly. For the first time he would be perfectly prepared for the eccentric Wizard called Raven Jenkins, or Jinx as he called himself.
“Wubble,” A little creature, which looked suspiciously like a cross between a cherry and a fur ball, said. The creatures huge black eyes looked up at Ellison.
“No, Wozzle, I remembered everything this time, the cups, the boiling water, the tea-“ Ellison trailed off. “CRAP!” He yelled nearly pulling out his hair as he looked around desperately for tea. He couldn’t stand the stuff, but Jinx always insisted that when he arrived tea would be ready.
“Where is the tea Wozzle?” Ellison cried in desperation.
“Wubble, wobble,” Wozzle said rolling himself towards a cabinet. Ellison dove over the creature, and yanked open the cabinet door. He grabbed the container of tea and dashed over to the pot, quickly dumping 3 spoon full’s of tea inside the boiling pot.
“Ellison, I have returned,” The eccentric voice of Raven Jenkins, Jinks, called out just as Ellison tossed the tea box away.
“Wizard Jinx!” Ellison exclaimed smiling at the man.
Jinx, as he liked to be called, stood tall dressed in exquisite clothes from all four corners of the world. All of them in green or gold. Jinx strut into the room spinning his green umbrella in one hand. He looked around the room, and peeked out into the library.
“It would seem that you have finished everything on your list Ellison,” Jinx commented his free hand stroking his beard.
“Yes sir,” Ellison said nodding, fighting to keep the smile off his face. He pulled out the list and handed it to Jinx. Each item crossed its self off once Ellison had completed it. Jinx looked at it with a frown.
“Wozzle did our young lad really do all of this?” Jinx asked bending over to look into the eyes of Wozzle.
“Wubble wubble, webble, wuzzle,” Wozzle replied, Jinx nodded like he understood every word, which he probably did.
“Well Ellison, it seems congratulations are in order,” Jinx said. “The library is wonderfully clean, but the same cannot be said for its keeper. I give you a five point deduction.” He added, Ellison deflated, it was true, his tail was covered in cobwebs and dust. His ears, both sets, were dirty with dust. His simple cotton shirt and drawstring pants, which were originally white, were now gray except a bright pink spot on the knee where he had accidently knelt in an odd potion.
“Come on sir,” Ellison sighed. “It’s not like anyone will see me,” He added.
“Nonsense, you never know when one of those feather brained mortals, or a screw loose wizard will look up and see you.” Jinx huffed, pouring himself some tea.
“Sir, the mortals can see us, and all the other wizards know that I’m just a simple servant.” Ellison protested.
“You’re my servant, your state reflects my wealth, and I wouldn’t want them to think I’ve gone poor,” Jinx said sipping his tea. He spat it out moments later, he walked over to the sink disposed of the rest of the tea in his cup, and then poured himself another cup. “Perfect,” He hummed taking a sip. “But don’t misjudge the mortals, every few millennium one shows up with the power to see.” He added.
“Yes sir,” Ellison said nodding; he knew better than to argue there was a reason why he had fox ears and a tail. They were more of a help then a punishment though.
“Anyway, I have exciting news,” Jinx said grinning. “My library has been voted number one!”
“It always is sir,” Ellison said with a smile.
“Don’t rain on my parade Elli,” Jinx said skipping off. “I am going to prepare my speech for the formal award giving. You know how important that is, don’t interrupt me or you shall have a punishment.” Jinx added.
“Yes sir,” Ellison laughed again. “Should I work on my studies?” He asked.
“Now, if you work on your studies any further, you will end up smarter than me,” Jinx laughed. “Have you figured out the flight spell by any chance?” Jinx asked a curious glint in his green eyes.
“I can hover,” Ellison offered.
“Marvelous!” Jinx hollered running off singing an odd tune.
Ellison smiled to himself, remembering the day he first met the old wizard. He had been abandoned in the woods, and no one wanted anything to do with him. Out of nowhere Jinx appeared and offered (read: kidnapped) Ellison a place to stay and a schooling.
“Come on Wozzle, if I don’t have to study, I can free lance right?” He asked. “There was a spell in the old section that I wanted to check out.”
“Wubble,” Wozzle replied rolling after Ellison as he took off. A normal day for the two abnormal people, but little did they know how it was going to become abnormal, even for them.
- by TheSkysRose |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 09/24/2011 |
- Skip

Comments (1 Comments)
- garbage ghoul - 09/27/2011
- I really, really like this. Have you written more? biggrin
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