• Chapter 3- Airon’s wings
    After I awoke to a broken wing, I staggered into the shade of a nearby tree. I put my wing into a position that seemed right for my wing to heal in. my healing ability must have been a dream, because it isn’t helping me now. “At least I can tell what’s real and what’s not…” I thought. Well, now I have to figure out how to survive with a broken wing. I thought for a while and all that came into mind was food water and not getting eaten. “Is that all there is to a hawk’s life? Ah well…” I thought. I was rather thirsty, and saw a nearby stream. As I staggered over to the stream, I noticed this is the same stream as before. “I feel oddly brawn to this place” I thought. I began to drink. The water was cold and refreshing. I stood there and thought for a while, wondering how I would avoid wolves. Then, as if on cue, a wolf started walking towards me. It realized I was helpless and was about to eat me, when, a strange figure came out of nowhere and tackled the wolf. The creature looked similar to a velociraptor, except with fur instead of feathers, and about half the size of an average adult human. I had no Idea what it was or what is was doing. After a brutal fight, the creature won. Quickly after it was over, it came over and picked me up in its jaws. As a result I panicked, bit it several times, squirmed, and in general freaked out. This continued for about 2 agonizing minutes, and yet it still hadn’t eaten me. I was tired, confused, and still very terrified. A short time later it put me down on a soft grassy space in the open. It then sat down near me. Confused and exhausted, I didn’t think I could get away. For a while, I thought it was saving me for later, but over time, I noticed that it didn’t seem to have any malicious intent. Realizing that if it wanted to eat me, I couldn’t get away anyway, I decided to try something crazy. I stumbled up to the creature, and stood near it. It jerked towards me, startling me, and causing me to fall. I wound up in a stupid position nearby the creature, even more helpless then before. It got up, held me in its mouth, and stood me up. Though insanely confused, I realized this creature was helping me, and didn’t want to eat me, but to help me. “What on earth is going on?” I thought. More confused than ever, I came close to the creature once again, and feeling exhausted, fell asleep.