• “I’m glad that I’ve found you Mizuki. You’ve brought a whole new meaning to my life. Without you, I would have died that day. But you saved Me.”
    “I’m also glad Fujiki. I was afraid to say it before, because of all my insecurities. But now I know I can say it clearly. I know in my heart, I love you. I have no doubts that I was born to be with you.” Mizuki hugs Fujiki tightly. He hugs her back, then releases her a little bit to pull her chin upwards.
    “I knew we were meant to be together, the first time we met. Because since that time…I’ve loved you. I love you more than my own life Mizuki!” The two then share a slow, intense, but passionate kiss. They live happily ever after…

    “Okay, end scene. And that‘s a wrap people!” The director announced.
    “You were so great Reina.” Arata, the guy who plays Fujiki said with a smile.
    “Thank you.” I smiled back.
    “It was nice working with you,” Arata began to blush.
    “Reina.” My manager Iruka waved me over from far behind Arata.
    “I’m sorry, I have to go.” I brushed passed him.
    “Ah, wait!” He stopped me.
    “Yes?” I looked at him.
    “I…I would like your autograph!” He bowed. I gave him a weird look, he’s a fellow successful actor…yet he’s like this? As if thinking the same thing, he stood up straight and started to mubble to himself.
    “Well I must be going; it was a pleasure working with you on this movie.” I smiled and went with Iruka.
    “Reina, you have a photo shoot in an hour. So we must hurry.” Iruka said as we walked down the hall to my dressing room.
    “Alright” I said as I opened the door.
    “Wait here.” Iruka stepped in front of me and into the room. He was always playing the role of my manager and my bodyguard.
    Seconds later, I was able to go into the room. What I saw was a man standing, with Iruka holding both his hands behind his back. The guy looked nervous.
    “You can let him go.” I said. Iruka let him go roughly.
    “Why are you in my dressing room?” I asked.
    “I was sent by Mr. Murakami, he has scheduled a meeting with you tomorrow during your lunch hour.”
    “Thank you; tell him I’ll be there.” I said. The guy nodded and was on his way. I sighed and sat down in front of the mirror.
    “Are you really going to see him?” Iruka crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.
    “Yes, it‘s been awhile. Since he sent a messenger, it must be important.” Iruka sighed and shook his head disapprovingly.
    “I don’t think this is right.”
    “Neither do I, since I haven’t seen him for a while.” I looked at Iruka, because he had suddenly gasped. He was looking down at his watch.
    “Come on, we need to hurry up or you’ll be late for the photo shoot!” He said with urgency.