• ~Tory

    “Well, you can tell they were best friends,” he whispered to Seth, who was staying out of it.
    “Oh yeah, definitely,” Seth whispered back.
    Jamie glowered at them, and then looked back at me. “No, I’m not your guardian but I am…was your best friend,” he said with venom.
    My heart that had sank, broke into little, tiny pieces. He hated me, this was what I was most afraid of and it came true.
    “Why are you here?” I asked, masking my emotions.
    “Because I have to be,” he answered without emotions.
    Noah glanced at him. “What are you talking about?”
    “I don’t technically have to be here but yeah, I’m here because I can be,” Jamie said, with a glare at Noah.
    “Look Jamie, you can be here but I have questions to ask. Don’t interrupt me,” Noah warned.
    “What questions?” Jamie asked with a suddenly blank face.
    “I’d like to know as well,” Seth tossed out.
    “What ******** questions-” Jamie tried to ask again.
    The door was thrown open against the wall with a clang; the noise really didn’t help with the headache I had already, we all looked up as Charlotte and Amelia walked in.
    Charlotte’s eyes fell on me, the stunning green eyes widened. “Oh my God, Tory what happened to you?”
    She come running towards me, jumped on the bed and wrapped her tiny arms around my back in a death grip. Seth, Noah and Gabby laughed at her reaction to me looking like death its self.
    “Hey Char, I’m okay really,” I assured her, hugging her tight as if she was my life line.
    “I know this is lovely and all but I need the answers to my questions,” Noah butted in.
    “What questions?” Charlotte asked, pulling away from me and looking at him.
    I turned my gaze onto Noah, who was staring at me with a look I could read but pretended not to notice. “What questions?”
    He raised one eyebrow. “You really want to do this in front of everyone?”
    Charlotte stood to the side of the bed in a protective stance. “I’m not leaving.”
    “There’s your answer,” I said as my gaze went to Charlotte and back.
    “Noah, let me talk first,” Seth said, talking from his place in the wall.
    Noah looked at him then nodded his yes as an answer. It clicked right then, Seth’s question would be about my red eyes and what happened outside. Something I really didn’t want to talk about in front of Charlotte right now.
    “Charlotte, leave,” I hissed at her.
    She looked at me with the most shocked expression I had seen her use since I had been with her. It hurt me to do this to her but I had too, even if I had gone through that book with her I didn’t want her to know that I was one of those people.
    “But-” She tried to start in a teary voice.
    “Get. Out.” I growled, throwing my arm out and pointing to the door.
    Tears started to form in her eyes; I wanted to reach out and pulled her into the safety of my arms. I would say I was sorry for saying that and hold her til she told me to stop, but I didn’t.
    She backed up a little with the expression of horror and hurt that I tried not to notice. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she turned to rush from the room, everyone looked away when Shaun walked in; jumping out the way as Charlotte pushed past.
    He looked at us from his glued spot on the wall with the biggest shocked expression. “What the hell happened?”
    His question broke the tentation in the room, everyone laughed, smiled or chuckled in some manor.
    “What?” he asked innocently, his face was innocent.
    “Nothing Shaun, just sit,” Noah said with a goofy grin on his face.
    It hit me in the stomach, like a tonne of bricks had been dropped on me. That smile was a smile he always had on when we were kids; the goofy, boyish looking smile always got to me. It rocked my soul and back again.
    “Tory!” Gabby’s voice snapped at me, as well as a little slap to my thigh.
    I blinked. “I’m here.”
    “Sure, still haven’t grown out of that habit I see,” Noah snickered.
    “Shut up Noah,” we all said at the same time. Smiles lit everyone’s faces besides Noah’s pouting one.
    “May I ask now?” Seth raised his eye brow in question.
    I sighed deeply. “Go ahead.”
    “What happened out there? With the eyes and-” his question got cut off.
    “Eyes?” Noah piped up, pout turning into suspicion. “What happened?”
    The only person I looked at was Amelia; she knew somewhat something about this. Not about me but about the powers.
    “How about I just show you?” I stated more than asked.
    Before anyone could answer, I let the fire course through my body as my eyes shut. I summoned it to the surface, letting go of the tight leash I had on it. In my ears I could hear Gabby gasp as a wolf’s growl of warning vibrated through the room.
    My energy levels went sky high, they wouldn’t even be considered on the scale. It felt as if there was an aura barrier around me. A pulsing energy drawing what it needed from the wolf.
    My eyes slowly opened to see a wolf with its hackles raised standing on the end of the bed and silent growls vibrating through its body. Everyone’s face was shocked; eyes wide, pale faces and mouths slightly hanging, staring at the wolf. All except Seth, who was staring at me and my eyes that were now blood red and glowing.
    “How?” he pushed out.
    Lifting my hand, small flames let up on the end of each of my fingers, flickering when ever anyone breathed but that was understandable. They were under a lot of pressure.
    User! Why have you brought me here?” Wolfie snarled at me.