- It was hard to describe her. Almost impossible. You see, she was one of those people you meet maybe once in a lifetime. She was the thunderstorm in the desert, the salt in the ocean, the fire in my heart. Once I met her, I could never let her go. She was the person who could infuriate me and than have me falling head over heels. It may sound silly, but it was true. I didn't want to date her, or ******** her, or even kiss her. I just wanted to be a part of her life. There are people in the world who I will date, ********, and kiss, but none will even come close to her firestorm. She lived life the way it should be, all at once, no regrets, no thinking.
- by fleurs sauvages |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 06/03/2012 |
- Skip

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