• I could feel my heart pounding in time with my shallow breaths. Hearing the faint fearing filled screams of my friends cause's me to run faster. Need to get out, need to find light, an exit, anything! Fear closed my throat and made my limbs feel like rubber, the hairs on the back of my neck stand-up. Not because of simple fear, but also the vauge feeling of someone watching me. Checking my surrounding I see nothing but the darkness, shadows and the smell of fear, death and........ rain clouds? How would that scent be down here, it's not even raining. I felt more than saw shadows swirl around me, closing my throat and making it harder to breathe. I still ran with nothing to guide me. Just need to get free, need to find ........light! That's light up ahead and I'm almost there! Oh god, I can almost taste the fresh air. I checked my surroundings again to make sure there was nothing to stop me, but instead of going through the opening I ran into something warm. Not warm, hot! It feels so good.... I snuggled closer, feeling his arms go around me. Thank god, I'm saved! Now I can leave-wait, something wasn't right. I looked up only now realizing he wasn't human. A demon! How could I be so stupid! Stuggling, I tried to get free but couldn't scream. The stuggling only rewarded me with weakness as his arms tightened around me. I can't fight anymore....... Acepting defeat I said "Fine you win just.....hurry up and kill me, quick," feeling defeat was worst than fear.

    "I'm not going to kill you," he said it so.....calmly.

    "But......didn't the others kill my friends? Why aren't you going to kill me?" I asked, regaining my voice so it's not as hollow.

    "It's not that I don't want to kill you, but that I can't,"

    "Why?" Wait, why am I even talking to him? Shouldn't I be trying to get away!

    "Just because," he shrugged

    "Because why?" I should really stop asking and be trying to run away.

    "Because you can't kill your soulmate, and your mine."

    His what! "Your what!" My voice hollow and now in shock.

    "My soulmate," He was looking into my eyes as he said it and I found myself unable to look away, not only because his eyes were that mesmerizing but also because he was gripping my chin so I wouldn't look away.

    "I can't be your soulmate! I just can't-" Warm, so...warm....How could he be like this with his lips on mine in a soft, tender, gentle kiss? I felt something itching at the back of my brain, but I can't remember. So good, so warm, so nice..... I couldn't think, let alone remember anything. Feeling his lips move over mine had fire racing down my spineas he moved his lips to the edge of my mouth, along my jaw line and finely my neck. Need to remember, but I can't. I felt his mouth open as his tongue licked my sensitized skin which had me shivering in delight, Remember! I remembered as he bit me with his enlarged canines, when fighting a demon keep it away from your neck, wrist and if necessary the femoral artery. The teacher said it would feel horrible, but it actually felt great. I grabbed his shoulders, pulled myself closer and arched my neck more so.... Zane would have better access.

    "Zane!" I gasped as he nuzzled my neck; I felt him murmur my name "Lily," as he pulled me tighter againest him and wrapped his arms more firmly around me. Soulmates, I don't know who thought it first, but at that moment we both knew it was true.