Chapter 7
Martha is in her room, sitting on the side of her bed, crying. She's staring at a family picture that they had took years ago. Peter was standing next to Martha, looking happy as ever. He was in a well fitted tuxedo, his hair looking very nice, short cut. His arm was around Martha, as the other hand was on Brandon's shoulder. He was the provider for the family, a fighter for the family, and also a lover. Now that he's gone, what was Martha supposed to do? She had to rely on her own strength to get through with this. She still couldn't believe that Peter was gone. Her eyes then to look at Brandon in the picture. Her first born, she remembers holding Brandon in her arms the day he was born. Time flew by watching Brandon grow up and now time seems alot slower now that he was gone as well.
More tear drops fall on the picture as she moves her eyes to look at Stephanie in the picture. Her only daughter, a very beautiful, young woman, a reflection of Martha. It seemed like Stephanie is hanging on by a thread. Martha didn't know how much longer this would take, she just hoped and prayed that Stephanie will get out of this alive. If she died, what would Martha live for if her whole family was gone? There would be nothing to live for.
Martha holds the picture close to her chest and looks up as more tears roll down her cheeks.
"Dear God..." Martha began, "Please...don't let the only precious thing I have go...Protect her as hard as you can...as much as you can...I only ask for your strength just this one last time." She looks at the picture and takes a very good look at her family again. She wished none of this would have happened, she wished that she could re live the memories of everyone being together again, living life as a big happy family. She puts the picture down on the bed and gently holds the crucifix around her neck. She closes her eyes again.
"I still have so much faith..." Martha continued, "Please help my daughter go through this tough time...as well as me...I will do and give anything...just so she can be okay...I just ask you this one final time...please lend over your strength...to save us...Don't let the Devil win..." She does the sign of the cross and gets up from her bed. No matter how tough things were getting, Martha refuses to let go of faith, because that was the only thing keeping her going.
Andrew walks in Stephanie's room, carrying her. They had already put Peter's body in the basement and covered his body with a very thick blanket. He gently puts Stephanie on the bed, laying her on her back. Father Sinclair and Andrea walk in the room. Stephanie is still unconscious, but her breathing is normal as well as her pulse.
"Father, is there anything we can do to make sure she won't hurt herself anymore? Or any of us?" Andrew asked, walking to his side, "I mean we tied her up before...do you think she can free herself again?"
Father Sinclair thinks for a minute, "We'll bind her up with more thicker sheets...layer it up as well so it becomes more stronger. That should hold her off if she tries to break free again."
Andrew nods, and looks at Andrea, "Andrea, do you know where the sheets are?"
"Yeah, they're downstairs, come on." She answered. They both leave the room to go get the sheets.
Father Sinclair watches Stephanie for a moment. He walks up to the bed and does the sign of the cross above her. He then does the sign of the cross on his chest.
"Hang in there Stephanie...you're doing good." Father Sinclair said. Martha then enters the room. Father Sinclair turns to her and gives off a smile.
"I'm sorry I walked off..." Martha apologized, "I'm just...in total shock of what's happening...losing Father Nathaniel, losing Peter, and now I'm so worried I might be losing Stephanie too." Saying that almost made her cry again, but she quickly collected herself and took a very deep breath.
"Martha, we understand," Father Sinclair said, "It's a very tough time for you, whenever you need time to collect yourself just go on ahead. We understand."
Hearing that from him made Martha feel a little better that they were all there for her.
"Is she okay?" Martha asked, turning her head to Stephanie.
"Yeah, she's doing alright," Father Sinclair said, "You know...she's a very strong girl...most exorcisms I have heard about don't last long at all...she's a tough fighter."
A tear rolls down her cheek. Martha has alot of faith in Stephanie, she has been fighting cancer, fighting depression from losing her brother, now she's fighting a demon that wants her...and she's still hanging in there.
"She has the family strength...it's in her blood." Martha said.
Andrew and Andrea come back with the sheets. Andrew goes to Stephanie's bedside and begins to tie her arms to the bed post.
"Are you okay, Martha?" Andrea asked.
"Yeah, I'm okay," Martha replied, "Hanging in there..."
"Yeah, we all are...all we can do." Andrea said.
Andrew finishes with one arm and then goes to tie Stephanie's other arm to the bed post.
"This will hold good." Andrew said.
"Alright, good." Father Sinclair said, "Once we hear anything getting out of control we could have enough time to come up here and stop it."
The idea sounded great to everyone. Andrew finishes up with the other arm and grabs the left over sheets.
"I'll put these back." Andrew said, as he goes to leave the room.
"Father..." Martha said, "Where is Peter..?" The thought of saying Peter's 'body' or Peter's 'corpse' killed her inside.
"He's in the basement." Father Sinclair said. Martha stands still for a minute then goes to leave the room. Both Father Sinclair and Andrea knew where she was going. They both leave the room and Father Sinclair shuts the door behind him.
Martha grabs the shovel from the porch and hurries to where they had buried Father Nathaniel. She walks a few feet away from where he was buried and she starts to dig. Her mind was going a hundred miles an hour. She struggled a bit but kept on digging.
Andrea comes outside and sees Martha from a far. She walks to her, and as she gets closer, she can hear Martha weeping softly. As Martha keeps digging, she suddenly stops and lets go of the shovel. Andrea walks beside Martha, and then gives her a hug. Martha hugs her back, tightly.
"I didn't want him to go..." Martha said softly, weeping, "I wanted him to see Stephanie pull through this...I didnt want things to end up this way.
"I know, Martha, I know," Andrea replied, hugging her back just as tightly, "But he died knowing that he did everything he could to save Stephanie...he never gave up on her and that's what counts."
Talking to Martha almost made Andrea burst out into tears as well. "Now, Stephanie needs you more than ever...you're the only one left. You're very strong, Martha...I know you can pull through this."
Andrea breaks the hug and looks at Martha. "Like you always told me when Brandon passed away...never give up. I know I didn't want Brandon dying from cancer...but he left knowing he made me the happiest person ever. I'm sure Peter would think the same too." Andrea said. Martha looks at Andrea then hugs her very tightly. Martha now knew the pain Andrea had felt when Brandon died, and she thought it was time to take her own advice. Father Sinclair and Andrew come outside and walk towards them.
"Is everything okay?" Andrew asked.
"Yeah, everything is okay..." Martha said, "All I want is to bury my husband now..."
"We can do that," Andrew said, "I think it's best too."
"Once we do we can all pay our respects...he will be missed for sure." Andrea said.
"Agreed. I'll help you bring him outside, Andrew." Father Sinclair said. Andrew nods and they both walk back to the house. Martha looks at Andrea and sighs.
Moments later, Andrew and Father Sinclair had placed Peter's body, wrapped in a thick sheet, in the 4 foot deep hole Andrew had helped Martha dig up. Father Sinclair does the sign of the cross and mutters prayers as Andrew covers up Peter's body with dirt. Martha cries softly and Andrea puts her arm around her, comforting her, and she rests her head on Martha's shoulder.
Andrew finishes and backs away a bit. Father Sinclair finishes the prayer, and sprinkles Holy Water on the surface where he is buried. Martha and Andrea do the sign of the cross. Everyone then feels a soft cooling breeze. Martha closes her eyes and and lets the wind blow through her hair. Somehow, she knew that Peter was still there with her, and she felt that he wouldn't leave her side no matter what. Now that Peter and Brandon were both watching over her and Stephanie, she has alot more hope now.
"You okay, Martha?" Andrew asked. Martha turns to him and nods.
"Alright, let's go back inside," Father Sinclair said, "We'll rest and then we can see how we will further progress in Stephanie's case."
Everyone nods and they all go back inside.
They all walk inside the house, as Martha closes and locks the door behind her. Father Sinclair, Andrew and Andrea make their way to the living room and they all sit down on the couch.
"Do you guys want anything to drink?" Martha asked them.
"I'm okay." Andrew said, and Fateher Sinclair shakes his head.
"Can I make a coffee? It'll help me relax" Andrea asked.
"Of course, go help yourself."
Andrea gets up and goes into the kitchen. Martha makes her way to the other couch, across from Father Sinclair and Andrew and sits down.
"I actually just want to take the time to say...thanks for being here...and not giving up on us yet." Martha said. She felt horrible that they had to see the things they saw.
"Don't thank me yet," Father Sinclair said, "And it's my job to help make sure she gets out of this alive and well. It's really in God's hands now."
There's a pause. They can hear Andrea preparing her coffee.
"Father...how long do you think this will take?" Martha asked. Father Sinclair takes a deep breath and leans forward a bit.
"To be completely honest...I really don't know." he replied, "I've never really seen anyone survive an exorcism for this long."
Martha didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. She thought it was both in a way. Good thing meaning she still has a fighting chance and the demons hasn't won yet, on the other hand, she wondered if the demons would ever give up.
"And if the Devil himself decides to possess her and take her in..." Father Sinclair added, "God forbid it happens...but it would be very scary...and very dangerous."
"Do you think she would have a chance?" Andrew asked.
Father Sinclair is silent for a minute then answers with, "Time will surley tell..."
Silence fills the room. Hearing those words didn't put Martha down, she had alot of faith and didn't plan to give up on it. Andrea walks in the room and goes and sits down next to Martha, setting the cup of coffee on the table in front of them.
Silence fills the room because no one knew what to say. Martha then decides to break the silence.
"If you guys want, I can show you guys some of Stephanie's pictures when she was younger." Martha suggested, just so they have a little something to pass the time.
A smile formed on Father Sinclair's face, "Sure, I would like that." he said. Andrew nods.
"Alright, i'll be back." Martha said, getting up and starting for the stairs.
She walks up the stairs and goes into her bedroom. She looks in her drawers, looking for the pictures, but she can't seem to find them any where. She then looks in the closet, in some of the shoe boxes she used to keep some pictures safe in. All she saw was photos of her wedding and pictures of her and Peter on their honeymoon.
"Where did I put her pictures...?" Martha asked herself. As she's looking through the closet more, she remembers Stephanie had a scrap book of all of her baby pictures in her room. Martha then leaves the room and approaches Stephanie's bedroom door. She pauses and stops, hesitant on what she might walk into. Martha grabs the door handle and slowly opens it. All she saw was Stephanie, sitting up with her back against the wall, her head tilted to the side, with her eyes closed. It looked like she had gotten up and went to sleep.
Martha goes and looks for the pictures in her big drawer filled with her clothes. She's shuffling through the clothes, not finding anything. She did find one picture of when Stephanie and Brandon were little. Martha stopped and took a good look at it. She smiled and put in her pocket; it was a picture she wanted to show Father Sinclair and Andrew. She then goes down to the second drawer and starts shuffling through there. She still couldn't find them.
She stops, stands up straight and thinks for a minute, trying to figure out where she saw them last.
"Hello...mother..."Martha heard a very raspy voice say behind her. Her heart started beating faster as she stood still. Chills ran up her spine and she slowly turns around and sees Stephanie's eyes open, staring straight ahead at the door. Martha takes a very close look and takes a few steps closer to the bed.
"S...Stephanie...?" Martha called out, very scared. Stephanie looks all around the room then locks eyes with Martha. There's a long pause.
"I don't see her anywhere, do you?" The raspy voice was coming from Stephanie but it wasn't really her. Martha started walking towards the chair, next to the desk, not taking her eyes off of her. She then sits down and stares at her.
"Who are you?" Martha asked.
"I'm who most Christians and Catholics don't want to hear or talk about!" Stephanie leaned forward toward Martha, "I was once an angel myself...!"
Martha's heart started to pound faster. She didn't know what to believe, it didn't really hit her that she was actually having a one on one conversation with the Devil himself.
"If you're the Devil..." Martha began, "then I'm guessing you know where my daughter is?"
Stephanie's face forms a smile and a raspy laugh is heard.
"Where is she?" Martha asked.
"I'll tell you if you un tie me!" Stephanie let out a raspy screech.
"You think I would set you free?" Martha asked, playing along with the Devil's games He was playing with her, "I've been a Catholic for a very long time, I don't follow you for anything."
"You being a follower of Christ after all he's put you through is disappointing," She gives off another short laugh, "I don't see how I'm any worse than the b*****d with all the power and love is."
Short Pause.
"Why do you want my daughter?" Martha asked, "What is it about her that you want so badly?" As she was asking these questions, she doubted she would get any answers but she was willing to try anything. She was trying to hard not to let him get the best of her.
"You're daughter...has no soul...I know she'll enjoy when I'm torturing her in the fires of hell for eternity." The voice started to get more raspy and a little bit deeper, "She had already betrayed your phony "God." She's been destined to be one of us."
Martha closes her eyes and took deep breathes. The words she was hearing was tearing her apart. She refused to believe anything she was hearing as of now.
"How long do you plan on keeping my daughter?" Martha asked. Not once has it crossed her mind to get Father Sinclair to exorcise the Devil, she wanted answers to questions that had been on her mind ever since this started. She was afraid if the Father Sinclair came, the Devil would flee.
The glaring eyes Stephanie was giving off was staring at Martha, giving off a cold stare. Martha has never been so scared in her life before. Suddenly Stephanie roars and tries breaking free from the straps, having the bed shaking. Martha screams and jumps back.
"I will guarantee you will never see your daughter again!" Yelled the Devil's voice, "While you're in heaven kissing Jesus' a**, she will be on her hands and knees begging me for mercy to leave just so she can see her 'mommy' again!"
"You really think you can win Stephanie over?" Martha striked back, "You might have taken my husband away from me but you will never win my daughter over!"
"Can't I, now?" The Devil's voice smirked, "She's not here now...is she not?" Martha locks eyes with the Devil's eyes. She felt such an evil vibe filling the room.
"But do not worry, dear mother," The Devil added, "Stephanie will have lots of fun with her brother and father as I make them suffer in Hell and transform them into my slaves."
Martha's heart almost stopped as she heard those words. She had the sudden urge to go and attack the Devil herself, but she only saw her daughter's body. There was nothing she could do.
"If your demons couldn't win her over, what makes you think you can?" Martha asked, not showing any signs of fear. She was trying her best to stay strong.
Suddenly, a knock is heard on the door. Martha goes to the door, not taking her eyes off of Stephanie, then she goes and opens the door. Father Sinclair is at the door.
"Father..." Martha said quietly, "...He's here...The Devil is here...what I have feared is starting to come true..." She didn't expect him to believe her, but he nodded his head, understanding.
"Okay..." Father Sinclair said, "I had a feeling...you know what we have to do now."
Martha nods lets Father Sinclair enter the room. Father Sinclair looks at Stephanie's body and sees that she is for sure being possessed. Martha sees Andrew and Andrea coming to the door.
"Are you guys sure you want to see this?" Martha asked them both, "I wouldn't suggest you guys do so..."
"It's alright, Martha...we'll be there for you." Andrea said.
"Okay." Martha said, with a smile on her face.
She lets them both in. The room started to get alot more chillier where they all started to see the condesnation of their breath. Andrea stares at Stephanie's possessed body and her whole body shivers with fear. It killed her inside to see that this was happening to Stephanie.
They can hear the raspy and wheezing noises coming from Stephanie. The eyes in Stephanie stares at everyone, giving off a cold glare. Father Sinclair does the sign of the cross on his chest.
"In the name of the father...the son...the holy spirit..." Father Sinclair prayed, as Martha followed.
"You think you can get her back?" the Devil snapped at Father Sinclair, "You're nothing but God's b***h, you don't have any power!"
"Quiet!" Father Sinclair yelled as he sprinkles holy water on her. They hear a loud screech and the Devil's roar fills the room. Andrea covers her ears as Andrew watches in complete horror. Stephanie's possessed body moves everywhere on the bed, from the pain and moans from the burning touch of holy water. Andrew steps a bit closer to Martha to Andrea, as all three of them were watching near the wall by the door.
Martha looks at the lock from the door and remembers what had happened to Peter. She then grabs the lamp off of Stephanie's desk, walks up to the door and starts pounding the door knob with the lamp.
"Martha, what are you doing?" Andrew asked.
Martha doesn't answer, instead she pounds the door knob one final time and it breaks off and falls on the floor.
"No one's dying in the hands of this monster anymore..." Martha said. She pulled the door back from the hole where the doorknob used to be and pulls it back a little so the door is creaked open. Martha's confidence level has boosted up, and she kept thinking in her head; 'Stop at nothing until she has her baby girl back.'
"Our Father...who art in Heaven...Hollowed by thee name...thy kingdom come...thy will be done...on earth, as it is in heaven..." Father Sinclair started praying.
The Devil's voice started to growl as the eyes of the Devil stared at him, as if he was going to kill him.
"Give us the day..." Martha added, "Our daily bread...and forgive those who trespasses..."
"As we forgive those who trespass against us..." Father Sinclair said along with Martha.
The Devil roars even louder as the bed starts to shake and the bed posts start pounding the ground.
"Unclean spirit of the Damned, Fallen Angel from Heaven, You are not worthy of the pure soul you seek!" Father Sinclair yelled.
"Father Nathaniel is in Hell as we speak! He's my slave for eternity and you're next!" The Devil yelled, as blood poured from Stephanie's mouth.
"You belong in the depths of the fires of pain!" Father Sinclair yelled, sprinkling holy water on Stephanie's possessed body. The Devil screeches from pain as Stephanie's skin starts to smoke from the holy water burning the skin.
"It burns!! It burns!" The Devil yelled. The whole bed starts to shake, lifting up and down from the ground, as the Devil tried breaking free from the straps, it was becoming more loose.
"Your powers are useless! We demand the soul of Stephanie Lewis back into Earth where she will live at ease! By the Power of Christ, we demand Stephanie's soul back into the world!!" Father Sinclair yelled at the top of his lungs. The Devil gags from pain and moves all around the bed.
"You can't do anything to harm her with the Lord by her side!" He yelled again.
"Kiss a**! You're a kiss a**, you might as well go to heaven to suck Jesus off himself!" The Devil yelled at the top of his lungs, "Give up now and save your worthless prayers!"
The words were having Martha's eyes fill with tears, but she knew this was just something to try and make Father Sinclair stop.
"Bring Stephanie back now!" Father Sinclair yelled, walking up to Stephanie's possessed body, as he does the sign of the cross on her face. "In the name of the father...the son...and the Holy Spirit!"
The Devil inside then starts to die down, as he moans from pain, whining a bit as well. Father Sinclair sprinkles more Holy Water, as Stephanie's body lays on the bed, not moving anymore. Andrew hurries and re tightens the straps around Stephanie's wrists. Father Sinclair does the sign of the cross in the air, in front of Stephanie.
A pause fills the room and Father Sinclair looks at everyone.
"We wait...then we will see if it's all over...I'm not sure if it is myself." Father Sinclair said, "I don't know if he will come back or not..." Everyone nods and Andrea leaves the room, and after a minute Andrew follows her.
"I really hope...this all ends soon." Martha said, looking down, "This is very overwhelming."
"I know Martha, I know," Father Sinclair said, "I'm sure it will all be over soon...with the Lord by our side, the Devil can't win...Trust me." He did his best to reassure her. "Come on, let's go back downstairs and think for a moment." He suggested. Martha nods and they both leave the room, hoping that this was the last time they would perform the exorcism.
- by Im Yummi Yummi |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 08/22/2012 |
- Skip

- Title: Exorcism of Stephanie Lewis 7
- Artist: Im Yummi Yummi
- Description: Chapter 7 of my story the Exorcism of Stephanie Lewis! Rates and comments are greatly appreciated!
- Date: 08/22/2012
- Tags: exorcism stephanie lewis
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