• Well this is awkward.
    There she was, her beautiful frame straddling me, her face mere centimeters from mine. I was sitting on my bed, my elbows supporting our combined weight. Our eyes were locked onto each other. My heart was beating like a drum, my mouth opened in a frozen silent gasp. Her arms were on my shoulders, her forehead on mine. Our breathing became more synchronized the longer we were in this position.
    I looked away from her.
    I felt her hand move my face back to hers. Her face was getting closer. Everything was getting darker and warmer. I could feel her breath on my lips, her seductive grin. The anticipation was slowly tearing me up. The excitement of-
    The yell startled us. She jumped away from me with a quick yelp. I was pushed back onto the bed. She gave me a small, guilty glance before exiting through the door. I was lying on the bed, trying to regain my thoughts, trying to believe that what nearly happened just happened. I sat up with a sudden realization.
    I need help.