• When have you ever loved me for me
    when have i ever loved me for me
    have i ever loved you
    everything is black then white
    but i do know one thing i was foregotten
    by my self in this house alone in a dark cold room with no light what so ever
    and the worst part of it is that you hate me and i love you but i cant touch the light for you are the lightness and i am the darkness you forgotten me along time ago and know i want you back but you wont listen insead you go to a girl who is trying to kill me you say you love her and you dont listen to me anymore we use to talk at the window now i see you smiling without me but with her so i just got to ask you have you foregotten me already please tell you did so i can never be sad i want to be loved but you cant love darkness only the light can love i been betrayed hurt hated and almost killed but nobody seem to care so please tell me you foregotten so i can be in this house without going to the window and looking at you with somebody else please do it for my last request i dont want to be foregotten by you but if that helps me and you then forget me