• Kenneth settled into the water slowly to make sure the water didn’t splash over the tub. He had the same blank expression he always did with his lips pulled into a straight line. “This is pretty gay, not going to lie” He said vacantly, staring at the same smug grin the other always wore. It was that similar grin that irritated Kenneth to no end. It was the kind of expression that made you want to punch the person in the face and if it wasn’t for Kieran’s buried feelings he wouldn’t be reluctant to do so. He waited for the other to make some egotistical remark, but as the room filled with silence he gave a dry laugh. There were a hundred other things Kenneth rather be doing like crawling into bed for one or taking a shower alone. Though, there was a part of him unwillingly to admit he enjoyed it. He settled further into the water letting the suds soak the tips of his curly, black hair at the thought. That same grin growing bigger on the other’s face and it took Kenneth to muster up the willpower not to kick him in the groin. Kenneth kept his legs bunched up in the middle of the guitarists as he made sure his feet didn’t touch the other. Thankfully the tub was big enough for the both of them. Kenneth didn’t want to be touching him too soon. He didn’t expect anything to have changed over the last couple of years and if he was right then one false move would give the other the wrong idea. Kenneth wasn’t going to let himself be taken advantage of not again.

    A smug grin spread across the boy’s lips. He knew things had changed the last time he saw Kieran, but he didn’t think Kenneth had changed this much. Though, his standoffish personality wasn’t the most shocking part of all despite how naïve he was the last time Jona saw him, but now that he had a three year old daughter Jona was even more surprised. He didn’t think Kenneth would be too happy if he brought her up especially after pleading with him into taking a bath. “Stop pretending you don’t enjoy this.” He said in a cheerful tone dismissing the other boy’s comment. Though, taking a bubble bath with your ex did seem overly cheesy Jona wasn’t going to openly admit to it. He had always been a closeted romantic and was quite capable of being nice yet he seldom did it in public. Kenneth didn’t respond and instead rolled his eyes with a slight huff in annoyance. Jona was aware he was the last person Kenneth would want to see after five years, but he could have easily told him to ******** off. He was being on his best behavior in the meantime so he didn’t get on Kenneth’s bad side, but that was proving to be quite difficult since Kenneth seemed to be easily annoyed more than he was five years ago. Jona watched him closely as he continued not to say anything; the smile growing bigger as he wondered what could be on the other boy’s mind and guessed it was probably him with the way Kenneth acted. Jona could feel the water move with the boy’s legs and watched the water ripple beneath the bubbles. The guitarist tore his eyes away for a split second to grab for his cigarettes and light one, putting the bud in his mouth as he turned to meet the same blank stare.

    Jona had a way of avoiding things which pissed Kenneth off even more. If Kenneth looked back on their relationship there wasn’t one thing that didn’t make him angry. Though, Jona was only the first of mistakes. It took him a second time to learn his lesson. He hadn’t really suspected to run into Jona and was hesitant about telling him about Amber. He didn’t want something so important in his life known to someone he practically loathed. Kenneth was astounded he hadn’t brought it up or maybe he knew better not to thought Kenneth to himself. It was just Kenneth’s string of bad luck he’d run into Jona while on tour when he had Amber with him. He looked towards the door out of the corner of his eyes where behind it Amber was sleeping on a large hotel bed. He returned his gaze by the time Jona had lit his cigarette. Kenneth couldn’t help, but think he had some ulterior motive than just ‘catching up.’ Jona would just find a way to dodge the question if Kenneth decided to ask so instead left the subject alone. “I don’t” He finally answered. Kenneth pondered why he agreed to this in the first place or maybe because Jona would never leave him alone if he didn’t. “You need to find new hobbies besides stalking your ex’s” He added with the intention of attacking Jona directly. This time he was the one who sported a smug grin, but only for a split second. He watched the end of the boy’s cigarette light up as he inhaled the toxic fumes and watched the smoke pass between clenched teeth.

    “I would call it more of a coincidence.” He let a breath of smoke past between his lips and settled the cigarette between his middle and index finger as he lounged back in the tub. The two stared back at each other as a sort of disdain spread across Jona’s facial features while Kenneth maintained his cold glare. It was obvious Kenneth had finally become more remote over the years which Jona was the most evident cause of, but who hadn’t Jona pissed off in the last five years? It was surprising to see the other stand up against him, though he hated people opposing his authority. He found it somewhat amusing the reactions he got out of Kenneth without saying anything like his whole existence annoyed the other greatly which was better than nothing in Jona’s book. It was almost cute the way Kenneth got agitated at the simplest remark and Jona would be lying if he said he still didn’t find the other male attractive. He had to still find him attractive if he agreed to spend his night soaking in a bubble bath with him thought Jona. The deeply rooted feelings were long gone for the both of them, but the sexual attraction was still there. How could it not be? Kenneth didn’t seem to protest when he saw him naked despite him avoiding the simplest touch. Kenneth could despise him as much as he wanted, but he couldn’t deny how good he made him feel. Jona couldn’t help thinking about those distant nights in the back of his car. A sly grin pulled at the edges of Jona’s lips at the thought. He could notice Kenneth knew something was up with the way his face twisted in annoyance. It seemed to fit the boy’s features perfectly. It gave Jona a sort of satisfaction seeing him annoyed, though he hadn’t done anything yet. If Kenneth was aggravated Jona would give him a real reason to be. So without another second thought he leaned in and reached a hand to cup the side of the musician’s face lightly as he closed the distance between their lips and planted a small kiss on the other man’s lips.

    There were obvious reason Jona and him weren’t together anymore, but the reason why they had broken up in the first place was as simple as Jona being a douche. Kenneth hadn’t been ready for a relationship back then much less someone as destructive as Jona. Now he would be out of his right mind to accept Jona back into his heart not with Amber and his career being his main priority. Kenneth’s feelings since the breakup hadn’t changed much if not gotten stronger. He still thought Jona was impulsive, arrogant, and an a*****e. Jona still annoyed him and knew how to get under his skin which was difficult for most people, but Jona had always been a pro at pissing people off. That certainly hadn’t changed over the years. The younger boy’s face twitched in exasperation at the cunning grin upon the others face. Kenneth knew he had to be planning something. His eyes narrowing further into a cold stare as Jona moved closer. He wanted to bolt from the tub right then, but something was keeping him in place like he was glued to the bottom. The singer didn’t stop him from leaning in, but Kenneth wouldn’t give him the fulfillment of giving into him. He hadn’t moved from his spot not even when Jona pulled away to rest against the tub again. Kenneth hadn’t said anything, but his face had grown softer. Jona’s own features turning into one blank canvas making it hard for Kenneth to read him. It was during times like these that it was tough to tell what he was thinking. “I still think you’re a p***k.” He said after a short moment of silence which the other replied with a dry laugh. It seemed to bother Kenneth even more with the way he acted so nonchalant about it like it had been nothing as if he hadn’t just kissed his ex. Though, that was Jona for you, Kenneth sighed. The guitarist raised an eyebrow as if to silently ask what was wrong. He looked down at the slowly dissolving bubbles for a moment before looking back into Jona’s blue eyes. Kenneth didn’t say a word just like the other before as he slid slowly onto the musician’s lap, who only seemed to pull him in tighter. In that moment he felt like he was surrounded by the ocean and Jona was the undertow.