• Standing in the middle of nowhere
    Surrounded by Darkness the boy watches and see's the victims on their knees
    He watches as souls are being taken away by evil
    He feels pain, sorrow, sadness, grudges and most of all death
    The weather changes, the sky rains
    People holding each other one another
    People destroying each other
    People driving others to insanity
    To the brink of death
    The boy holds his paint-ball gun tightly, he waits, he breaths, he watches, then feels the wind
    He aims steady, the gun is heavy, the victims are heavy and scared, yet he is ready
    The evil strikes but before they could lay their hand on their victim
    The boy pulls the trigger, lands its and defeating evil.
    He reaches his arms out to the victims pulling them away from darkness
    Holding them, comforting them the sky stops raining
    He takes off his helmet and takes a deep breath as he is satisfied in saving his friends