"My backs killing me", Ava groaned, Vanessa nods her head, "mine too, I never imagined it would get this bad", she touched the swollen line mark behind her back and hissed, "you were supposed to get that treated yesterday, what's the deal?", Ava said while sitting down at the lunch table, "I had to study all night for the test today, I didn't know it would turn out like this", Vanessa placed her hands on her cheeks and sighed, this was terrible, she had training today as well which made things even worse, "Vanessa", Ava gave her a stern look, "I know, I know... I'll go check it out after school", Vanessa gave herself a mental slap in the face, Danny was taking her out on a date how could she possibly miss such an important thing such as that, maybe she wouldn't know but Ava always knew. "Hey, sorry for the delay, it took us forever to get out of that lunch line", Peter says before placing his tray of food on the table along with the others, Danny sat right next to her, his hand reached over to take her waist but she flinched causing him to withdraw it, "does it still hurt?", he asked, Vanessa nods her head, "Danny, I don't think that I'll be able to go on the date", she could tell that he was disappointed, but glad as well, "there's always next time, recovering is top priority", he was right, she needed rest, "yeah, you took one nasty fall to save someone, you deserve it", Luke said, a smile placed on his face, before Vanessa could utter a sound Peter's watch started to buzz, he turned it on to see that it was Fury, "kinda in the middle of lunch, what's up?", Fury hesitated for a moment before speaking, "the Hulk has gone berserk, and we need back up now!", the small screen shut off as quickly as it came on, "the Hulk, gone crazy?"
- - - - -
Vanessa suits up with the help of Ava, "are you sure you can fight? It looks worse than before", Ava zips up the back for her before placing on her own mask, "You can sit this one out, remember that", maybe she was right, maybe she should lay low for a while, "no, I want to help as best I can in order to bring the Hulk down", Vanessa straps placed her mask on before strapping her katana to her hip, "we should get going", Ava nods her head and the two exit out of the room to meet up with the rest of the team. Scarlet X stood on the platform with everyone else, "is this safe?", Spiderman asked who ever wanted to listen, but no one answered, "I guess that's a no....", before anyone could blink, or take a second breath the trap door underneath them opened causing them to fall, except for Nova who laughed before heading down with them, they were going to land right on top of the fight. Scarlet X formed a huge X right under them, her landing aggravated the bruise on her back causing her to groan in pain, "Vanessa!", White Tiger tried to help her but Scarlet X refused, "I'm fine", she starts to lower them down slow and gradually increased the speed until they touched ground, "this place is devastated, did the Hulk actually do this?", Spiderman said as he walked around the area until his spider sense kicked in, "watch out!!", he shouts before jumping out of the way of a chunk building that was thrown in their direction, Scarlet X conjured a big enough X and threw it straight at it, slicing it in half, "someone's not in the mood see us right now", Powerman said, Scarlet X unsheathed her katana, "where's everyone, we can't possibly be the reinforcements", they couldn't take down the Hulk, no one could....
"Look sharp he's about to throw a car", Spiderman shot one of his webs at a near by building and took off along with the others, "w-wait, that's not a car, that's Iron Man!!!", Scarlet X shouts out as the Hulk throws the limp Iron Man her way, she braced herself as she caught Tony and in the process of doing so skidding backwards until she came to a halt, she placed him down, "Tony, Tony can you hear me?", Scarlet X looks up to see the Hulk running towards her, "Scarlet X, get out of there!", White Tiger yells out, she gets back up but the result was a wave of pain that caused her to fall to her knees, "HULK STRONGEST THERE IS!!!!", in a last ditch attempt to protect herself and Tony Scarlet X formed three layers of X's and placed them over her and Iron Man like a shield. The force from the Hulks hits were incredible, "uhg!", she held her ground long enough, and now she was getting irritated, "TONY!!", her cry for help brought him back from his unconscious state of mind, "huh?! What's going on?", Scarlet X felt her arms growing weak, "HELP!!!", Iron Man got up as quick as he could but there was little room to stand under her shield, "listen to me!", she held on a little longer, "you have to let go, trust me", fear gripped at her, Iron Man took her by the waist, "now!", the X's she formed vanished right after the Hulk hit it, Iron Man took off to the sky, a bit wobbly at first but he managed, "Where's everyone?!", she asked him, Iron Man was silent at first but spoke, "either unconscious or badly hurt", well that wasn't the news she wanted to hear but at least she knew what was up, "well we need to help them, can you at least stall to gives us the chance?", he looks down at her, "are you giving me orders kid?", Scarlet X frowns, "you're damn right I am!", a chuckle emits from him, "one distraction coming right up", he lowers himself and placed her down. Iron Fist was the first to meet her, "are you okay?", she nods her head, her arms were a little numb but over all she was good to go, "I'm fine, but right now we have to find the Avengers and do everything in our power to help them", Spiderman lands down near them, "already ahead of you, I found Wasp and Ant Man, along with Black Panther", White Tiger arrived along with Nova and Powerman, "we recovered, Ms. Marvel, Hawk Eye, and Captin America, they're unconscious...", this wasn't good at all, "Iron Mans stalling for us, lets use this time to come up with a strategy", Scarlet X says before crossing her arms.
"Hawk Eye gave me this before he passed out", Ava shows them the darts filled with light green liquid, "it's a sedative to put him down", she hands everyone three, "this just might work", Spiderman said as he watched Iron Man being thrown to the side, "time to pay the Hulk another visit", Powerman says before charging at the Hulk while he was being distracted by Iron Man. Once Powerman got close enough he jabs all three in his back, he was successful but the Hulk tossed him aside, sending him into a a near by building, "Sorry big guy, but we have no other choice", Spiderman says before running over, he shoots a few webs at his feet, restraining him for just a moment to inject the sedatives into him, he quickly maneuver's away from a powerful swipe and stabs the three darts into his hand before falling back just in time, he could tell they were kicking in, the Hulk stumbled a bit but it wasn't enough to quell his rage, "AAAHHH!!!!", Ava and Nova went in dodging thrown pavement and cars as they closed in from opposite sides, but before they could the Hulk slams his hands together creating a massive shock wave that sent both Ava and Nova flying back, crashing into the ground, "my turn", Iron fist ran quickly, his speed increasing until he jumped up and jabbed all three into his chest and with one swift spin kick to the abdomen the Hulk fell right on his back giving Nova and White Tiger the chance to place the darts in, now it was Scarlet X's turn.
She ran over towards the Hulk as he stood back up, he shook his head to get rid of the grogginess and let out a throaty roar. Scarlet X jumps up and stabs the three darts into the Hulks neck, she was about to make her get away when the Hulk grabbed her leg and with all the strength he had left, slammed her on the pavement, breaking it in the process, "uh....uuh...", the force of that one attack put her down, she couldn't move and even if she did the pain would be too great to go through. The Hulk stumbles back before passing out and reverting to the small man he truly was, "Scarlet X!!", White Tiger ran over towards her, "don't touch her, she's in too much pain to be carried, I can tell just be looking", Iron Man lands next to her, "right now would be a good time to call in Fury", he said, Iron Fist comes over towards her, worry written all over his face, "I'll heal her until help arrives", he placed his hands over her chest, a bright yellow light appears as he concentrates.
- - - - -
It felt like she was back at the academy again, except this time she couldn't move a finger, "this will take roughly six in a half months to fix if you were in a normal hospital, but your not", the doctor goes on, "we have the finest equipment to fix you right as rain", sounded as if they would rebuild her, and that she didn't like, "mmph...ngh..", words she tried to form wouldn't process the right way, so random mumbles would take their place, "what's that?", Vanessa wanted Danny that was what, she was in this cold room almost all the time and frankly she was getting tired of the scenery. The doctor stares at her like an ape about to solve a math problem until finally she looks over towards the cover on another table, "you want that? Is that what you want?", Vanessa rolled her eyes, "mmm, hmm...", the doctor smiled at her before going over to retrieve the blanket, that's when someone unexpected showed up in the recovery room, it was Ororo!
Vanessa's excitement clearly showed itself as she tried to move around, "how's she faring?", Ororo questioned the doctor, "well she's doing much better since the accident, as you can see she's capable of slight movement and slurs of her wording", the doctor watched as Ororo went over to Vanessa's side, "blink twice for yes, and once for no", she told her, "have you been doing well in school?", Vanessa blinks twice, "what about training", again she blinks twice, "have you had any thoughts about going back to the academy", Vanessa hesitates before blinking once, " Ororo was silent, she knew she was limited to only a few choice words when Vanessa couldn't speak or write down her words, "I'll be staying in the helicarrier until you recover, until then rest easy", Ororo placed a reassuring hand open hers and as soon as she came she was gone, leaving her alone with the doctor...
- - - - -
"I never thought I would miss the smell of Chinese food so much~!", Vanessa eyed her meal with great intensity, "it's been three months afters all", Danny says before smiling at her, "I know, it was insane being unable to move or talk...", she shivered slightly, "I missed you though", Vanessa looks at him, "more than that Chinese food?", Danny chuckled along with Vanessa, "of course!", Danny leans in to kiss her but the shrill sound of the doctors voice made him stop, causing Vanessa to get irritated, "no kissing the patient please, she is still recovering", Vanessa sighed, "it's seven O'clock Danny, you should get going", he kissed her forehead, "I'll see you later?", he was almost out the door when she said, "I'm always here, so yes you will", she watched him disappear, "why are you so jealous, doctor?", he glared at her before taking off his glasses, "my names not doctor, it's Jess... and I'm not jealous, you're my patient and I will treat you as such", yeah, like she would buy that, "no you haven't treated me as 'such' you've been doing the exact opposite, you treat me like... I don't know, like you care for me...", Jess rolled his eyes, "of course I'm supposed to care for you, I care for all my patients, you're no different", Vanessa scoffed at him, "yeah sure, well next time when you assume someone's asleep you might want to think twice, because I heard everything", Jess's cheeks turn read as he tries to keep a straight face, "let me fresh your mind a bit, and I quote, 'I've never seen such flawlessness, you're like a modern day Sleeping Beauty'", Vanessa crossed her arms, "I'm not going to even repeat the rest... so Jess, tell me the truth", what, that he was a thirty-five year old man who was going gaga over her? Before anything could get answered Ororo came into the room with a few bags, "I went to the mall with Rogue to pick out some new clothes for you", Vanessa listened but her eyes were on the doctor, his embarrassment clearly in the open, "thanks Ororo you're the best", the words were flat and bland she added a slight giggle to add some life to it to make it believable, "I was wondering if you could take me out on a stroll in the helicarrier", Ororo's eyes shimmered, "that's a great idea sweet heart", but Jess protested, "she's still recovering, she can't- -!!!", Ororo turned her head, her happy demeanor turning into a very unhappy one, "the wheelchairs over there to your left", he points over to it, "thank you doctor".
Three months and she missed out on everything, even the big fights, "how's it feel to be out of that room?", Ororo asked her, Vanessa was hesitant to speak, she should be happy but she didn't and that was the weird part, "take me back, I'm bored already...", Ororo stopped the wheelchair, "are you sure? It hasn't even been two minutes", Vanessa shook her head, "yeah I'm sure", Ororo was disappointed but turned the wheelchair around and went straight back to the room. The doctor turned his chair immediately, "well that must've been nice?", Ororo sighed, "she was bored so I brought her back", the doctor seemed relieved that Vanessa was back and even more pleased to see that Ororo would be leaving, "I'll get better soon, maybe we could head to central park when I can walk on my own two feet", Vanessa smiled before wheeling over towards the bed, the doctor insisted on helping but Vanessa refused his help gruffly, why would she need help when she could conjure an X to aid her, but something was wrong, "why can't I form anything...?", Vanessa gazed at the palm of her hand trying so hard to form an X but all she could form was red energy that vanished, "see, rest is essential", he helped her up onto the bed, maybe he was right, but she didn't feel like hearing it from him, "do you kneed anything?", he asked her, she sighed, "nothing...", he smiled and went over to his desk to continue on his "experiment" he worked on for these past three months, "you'll be as good as new", Jess whispered to himself, "brand new..."
- by Robotic SaekoBusujima |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/25/2013 |
- Skip

- Title: Ultimate Age
- Artist: Robotic SaekoBusujima
Chapter 4 part 1
The Hulk has suddenly gone berserk and he Avengers need back up before it's too late. Fury has sent S.H.E.I.L.D agents Spiderman, White Tiger, Scarlet X, Iron Fist, Nova, and Powerman to back the Avengers up, will they be able to stop the Hulk or fail.
- Date: 07/25/2013
- Tags: ultimate
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