• Another day passes before my scary blonde wonder came back around. It was just after sunset when he walked in. our eyes met for point 2 seconds before he sat on the bench at the end of the bed, and I just leaned awkwardly on the bathroom doorway. It was quite for a few moments before anyone said anything, though thinking about it now I'm a bit mad he had the first say...Call me childish.

    "It seems your feeling better Luna." He said. "....yeah...." I said back lamely. "Well with that I think now the time to instruct you on what your duties are here." He stated. I was silent.....not cause I was actually going along with all this but because he actually thinks im going to be working for him! "Your priorities are very simple. You'll be with Marie during the mornings helping her with her chores, accompany me during the afternoons for about 2 hours, then have the rest of the day to do as you like. Within reason of course." He explained. Well.....Needless to say I'm every shade confused, ticked off, and in some way insulted." Whoa hold up....what in your obviously not right mind thinks I'd do any of that?!" I yelled. He looked at me with a bored expression, "Simple Luna. Because you made a deal, I delivered on my part, now it's your turn. That is what makes me so sure you'll do as I say." He stated. My face heated up and I'm sure I turned 3 shades of red. I couldn't really say that he was mistaken....but at the same time this whole situation was just wrong. What right did he have to steal me from my home, my life, and just expect me to move on? "......Then tell me. Why me?" I asked quietly. "....I'm afraid I can't tell you....yet." He said softly. " What about your name then?" I said irritatedly. He chuckled, " It's Autumn."