I'm in a cold dark room and I can't see anything. Then suddenly I hear some noise. I'm scared, where am I? I can hear that noise getting louder and louder. Is it getting closer to me? Am I going to die? I wanted to run away but with my first step I slipped and fell but I didn't hit the ground. I am falling!! Suddenly I stopped in a middle of air. There is a green circle glowing under my feet, am I safe now ? The circle has disappeared and I have fallen on the ground. My whole body hurts so much for the fall that I can barely open my eyes. Wait.. why am I on a floor.. in my room! Was it all just a dream? Well whatever it was I am glad it is over now. I get dressed quickly and run downstairs to get some breakfast before heading to school. Mom, there is no milk in the fridge... MOM!!! That's weird, did she already left for work? I'll just go ask my brother to go buy some then.. Oh little brother!! I yelled while slightly opening his rooms door but he isn't in here I guess. Smart move I think to myself, he has hidden himself under the bed, as if i don't know that trick.. I jump down to scare him but he wasn't there. I was wondering how come it has been so quiet since i woke up. Everyone left already but me. Wait. Why did they all leave so early? I stood in a middle of my brothers room and then I looked at the wall. There was a clock, and it's.. 8am? Oh, just enough time for me to get something to eat and then leave to school.. Did I just said it's 8 am!? I'm late for school, again. Teacher will kill me! I ran back to my room, took my bag and then hurried to the train station. Out of blue snow started to fall. It was so cold and in all of that mess I forgot to take my jacket, how could have I known it gonna snow today, it didn't for years ! I was feeling more colder and colder minute by minute. So much snow has fallen in just couple of minutes that the train had to stop. Great, now I'll never get to the school on time, I will just call my mom and tell her what has happen, she'll understand.. I hope. I tried to call her but signal fail on me. Well there is nothing left for me to do but to head back home. After half of hour of struggling i finally was able to see my home, sweet home. I can already imagine how warm is it in there. I took my keys out of my school bag and tried to unlock the door but I couldn't, the lock was stuck. Stupid me, I tried to unlock it with the wrong key. I searched inside of my bag and every pocket but my house keys weren't there. Just great, I guess my jacket isn't only thing I forgot. All of the walking tired me out and I still haven't ate anything, I am starting to feel so weak. As the snow is getting me all wet I felt colder each second. I sat down next to the door in hope I'll get warmer while whisper of the wind that was carrying beautiful white snowflakes made me to lose consciousness little by little and in the end I have fallen asleep. Once again I am in the same dark and cold room surrounded with nothing more but darkness.. and there it goes again, that noise. This time I not gonna run, I am sick of running. All my life I spent running away, trying to hide from the truth. There for my life was a lie itself, I don't want it like that anymore. I wish to face the world. I stood there just like last time, only this time I wasn't scared. I yelled, I am not going to run away! And then I head another sound. It was a voice of an angel, is it calling for me? I woke up once again. This time I wasn't on a floor of my own room but somewhere ells. I still wasn't myself and all I could hear was some annoying beeping sound and it sure wasn't my alarm clock. I got up and found myself on some sofa and some boy I've never seen before was sitting next to me but he was sleeping with his head on my lap. I started screaming, he woke up and said good morning to me. I was freaked out and started yelling who are you, where am I and what were you doing sleeping on my lap !?? He tried to talk to me but I didn't let him say a thing. I started freaking out even more, I don't know you, stay away from me. I was trying to get distance between us so I started walking backwards little by little. He was saying don't be scared and the next thing I know was that I fall over remote control that was on a floor. I grabbed his hand while falling and accidentally pulled him with me and we ended up bumping heads with each other. I felt so embarrassed I said sorry right away, he said that it's okay, that he is used to getting hurt by unknown persons and smiled. I raised up my head and first thing I noticed were his amazingly beautiful green eyes that stand out so much thanks to his pail skin and fluffy black hair. I didn't know what to say, i just stared in his eyes when some other guy walked in the room with giant peace of cake in his hand. He sat on a chair on his own weird way and started eating without noticing us. After his third extra large bite he sow me and mister green eyed boy staring at each other and just walked out of room saying wait there. After 2 seconds he came back with the whole cake, sat on the chair once again, took another bite and said continue. Well in that moment I was more confused then ever before in my life. I stood up and tried to run away but I fell once again.. over the same remote control. Cake freak just ate his cake and stared with his large eyes as if he was watching some comedy while the other one just smiled like crazy. Then some very pretty woman walked in the room and after seeing me she gave I'll kill you stare to those boys. Green eye boy handed me his hand and offered me help to get up, well I couldn't say no to him. Soon after that moment she sent that another guy to bring us some hot coco. He came next to us and putted it on a table aside us and told me to sit down. That woman came and sat next to me. I truly wanted to leave cause of all of the embarrassment but that woman wanted to ask me something. First thing she said was how am I feeling and do I need anything. I was all like, no thank you maim. She smiled to me so softly, she looked like an angel to me. You don't need to be so formal with me, I am not that old she said. I am Elizabeth, or Beth as some people like to call me and this are my sons, Kiorra and food lover is Eliel. Before she even finished saying what she had in mind Eliel took another bite of cake and said ladies please, enough chick-chatting and let's get to a chase. Who are you? Where are you from? Are you a wanderer? If not then how come you were sleeping half naked in front of our doors? That's right, I completely have forgotten what was I doing before waking up in this house. Oh yeah, now I remember.. I was trying to unlock the doors of my house but I couldn't cause I the had wrong keys and I was so cold that I have just fallen asleep I guess. Eliel kept on talking; you said you were trying to unlock the doors of your house, is that right? Well yeah sure I said. He continued, then how come we found you sleeping in front of our house doors? And on top of that naked even thought it's snowing. What do you mean by your doors? I was late for school so i forgot my jacket and keys,okay? There was no way for me to know that snow gonna fall, it didn't fall in ages! Lady stood up and said, well boys.. the mystery is solved! All three of us had our eyes on her and then in same time asked, what mystery? She took my hands and said we're neighbors! I was all like, we are what? What do you mean by that maim, I mean Beth. We just moved in yesterday! And we've heard we have a 17yearold girl living alone in the house next to ours and that she often came to take care of our house while it was still for sail, that's you, right? Well yeah.. That's me alright, so I broth the right keys after all, only the house was wrong. I am so sorry for all the trouble. No worries, umm.. I am sorry can you tell me what was your name again she asked me. I'm.. come to think of it, I don't know ether.. I'm sorry. Don't be sorry, you're still tired from being outside for so long, you can tell me some other time. Well I think I should go now, I have stuff I have to do. Well sure, just take care of yourself, okay? One of the boys will bring you over some soup later and I hope you'll come and visit us from time to time so you wouldn't be lonely, she said as we were saying our goodbyes. I walked out through the door and finally went home. I came in.. in that darkness that waited for me each day. I yelled, I'm home.. wishing my younger brother, mother, father or anyone at all would came and welcome me back. One hug was all I wished for but that was all just a dream that will never again come alive because they're all gone. I went into my own room and got ready for bed. As I climbed on my bed and as I closed my eyes a single tear fell down my cheek.
- by Soreha Yuki |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 10/15/2013 |
- Skip

- Title: Faded melody (PART 1)
- Artist: Soreha Yuki
the first part of my anime script..
and by that i mean this is just short dashes for anime i'll be doing
The first part is maybe even boring but over the episodes it gets better - Date: 10/15/2013
- Tags: faded melody part
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