• The day started out normal for Tyson, he got up, went to to work then went to the place he called home. It was as good a 'Home' that he'd ever get, especially with the low wages his boss paid him. Blade lived in a small run down apartment in the deepest and most horrific part of Matteson City. Everyday he'd go home he could see taggers and gang lords scattered about defacing what was already ruined by destruction to the buildings. He always kept his head low and ignored them completely in hopes they wouldn't see him or approach him. The apartment's outside looked like it had been abandoned over 40 years ago, and the inside was no better it's hard to believe it's legal for anyone to live here let alone let other people live here. He was a usual day dreamer and did it constantly especially at work, he'd dream he had a better job, a nicer home, far away from the place that he was living in currently. Today, Tyson was getting home on his usual path, he usually walked because it is nearly impossible to get anywhere with a car in Matteson. As he headed home he began dreaming of the people who lived on the outskirts of town, the rich people, he'd seen how they live, how they act, how happy they are. As he was thinking about this he managed to bump into someone.

    "Hey! Watch where you're going!!" The voice blurted out rather rudely.

    "I-I-I'm so sorry sir." Tyson stammered out, half afraid and half worried. He was afraid this would turn into a fight quickly, and he was worried he'd lose. The man muttered to himself something audibly, but Tyson thought he heard the words 'It'll happen soon... Too soon' Tyson didn't know what that meant but he decided he'd ignore it and hope he was hearing things. He continued his walk home and he noticed the usual taggers and other gang members weren't there. He seemed a bit puzzled as he rushed home, the receptionist looked scared and horrified at the same time. He decided to ask her what the problem was.

    "DIDN'T YOU HEAR?!?!? The military has launched a full on attack against the rest of the world, and they have retaliated! They say the bombs will reach the center of Matteson in less than an hour." The woman cried out, shocked Tyson took a step back. 'She... She's joking right? It has to be a joke! Right?' He thought to himself. He didn't know what to do, he thought about trying to out run it but he realized he couldn't out run a bomb. He thought about it and decided he'd head into town, if he was going to die one way or the other, he'd accept his death. He packed headed deeper into town and once he reached the city center he sat down on a park bench, watching people run for their lives or sit and do just what he was doing. Thirty minutes had passed and still nothing had happened, then out of the blue came a huge explosion. There was no bomb, no explosive, no nothing, it was as if someone had set off the worlds largest time bomb.

    When the explosion ended, Tyson found himself opening his eyes, he wasn't dead, he was far from it. He and many others who were close to the center had been thrown far from where they previously were, buildings were demolished and peoples dead bodies were strewn all over. And in the town center there were two large meteor-like objects, Nobody had the will or guts to approach them, they didn't know what was happening. Tyson stood up and awoke up to them, one was glowing a bright red, and the other glowed a radiant white. Curiously, he touched both of them, they were hot to the touch, but as he did a sound came from the objects. It sounded like the growl of a beast of some kind, the ground around Tyson shook as a sound almost mechanical drowned out the previous growl. Tyson backed up and looked at the two objects, he noticed a hole at the top of the each object. All of a sudden, two people came out of these objects, from the light arose a woman with glorious wings that stretched far and wide. And from the dark Rose a man with a tail snowing his true deceptive ness and cunning.

    A moment of silence happened before the two spoke in perfect unison.
    "Humans. We have been sent here so that we can make you into the new humanity."

    "We have chosen you, for you were not afraid of dying. You embraced it with all you had. And for that, you have been chosen to be the new humanity." The people seemed in total shock, not nil did they witness this event just happen, but they were chosen to be the sole founders of mankind. None of them have ever forgotten about that faithful day, when they lived after the end.
