• "Promise me?" Said a voice, echoing in the pitch black. That was all I heard before I opened my eyes, laying in some hospital bed. All I could remember was that and that my name was Balmung....then all the memories of my bodily functions started flowing in as I came to. I leaned up, feeling like I just woke up from sleeping for a year...not that I know what that's like, just a metaphor.

    I looked to my right, and saw 2 other beds made up and empty as if they were freshly cleaned. I look straight in front of me and see another bed exactly the same. I then look to my left, slightly blinded by the sunlight for a moment, then my eyes adjusted, seeing a busy town, lots of people rushing from one place to another, it was slightly confusing. I then heard footsteps from the corridor, and two men talking, for a bit I couldn't make out what they were saying, and as they got closer, then stopped, I was able to hear.

    "The patient is quite similar to us, but too many differences to be of our world. It's a first I've seen." Said the first man, he sounded calm, and had a very deep voice, like a grown man. "Aw, come on. You saying he's some kind of alien? Get real!" Said the second man, he sounded anxious, and his voice was that of a 19-year-old boy band lead singer....where did I get that from now that I'm reflecting on it? That aside, they then walked in the room and noticed straight-away that I was awake. The older man spoke first, he had black hair with hints of gray combed back like a greaser, he wore normal glasses, and had blue eyes, and his skin was tan. He wore doctor's clothing, a simple man. "You're awake now are you? You gave Leon quite a startle, dropping from the sky like an airplane doing a nose-dive. I'm doctor Cooper, and this is Medical Student Kyle Veering." Kyle was young looking, had brown eyes and light brown hair, he was also somewhat pale. Like he doesn't get out much. He wore a lab coat with Sneakers, Jeans, and a green shirt. "Wow, I was surprised when I heard you crash landed and didn't have a scratch on you, but to see you up so soon is something else." Kyle said in an interested tone. "Well, now we told you our names, what's yours?" Said Cooper in a slightly annoyed accent at first. I looked down at my hands, they were more pale then Kyle's skin. "........My name...is Balmung." I said in a quiet voice "Interesting name, I've never heard anyone by the name 'Balmung' before. Even more interesting that you remembered given you crashed hard at 6,000 feet. Do you remember how you started falling from there to begin with?" Said Cooper, as if testing me to see if something was wrong. ".........I...don't...sorry." I said in a slight strain, holding back some frustration of being unable to remember. "It's okay, it's common for someone to have Amnesia after surviving a fall." Said Kyle in a pitied tone.

    "Perhaps you should-" Before Doctor Cooper could finish his sentence, an alarm went off, and people started screaming. "Oh no! Mr. Cooper! We have to hide!" While Kyle said that, I rushed to the window, seeing creatures invading the town from the fountain in the center. "The heck are those things?" I said, in a calm voice. "They're the animated, creatures born from somewhere in immense numbers." Cooper said in a slightly shaky voice. I saw two of them terrorizing some little boy, and before I knew it, I jumped out the window. "WHAT THE HELL'RE YOU DOING?!" Screamed Kyle as I jumped. To be honest, my body just moved, I wasn't thinking, but something made me deep down, like I couldn't stand not to try and help. I landed perfectly on my feet from the 3 story jump. I took an instant to analyze the situation. *They're too far away!* I thought to myself, but as I was running, I noticed that I was quicker then I thought I was. One of them turned to me, eyes glowing yellow....never thought I'd say that. My first thought was *RUN!*, but my hand balled into a fist, and I punched it so hard, I thought I broke my arm, but it was perfectly fine, and it fell over and dissipated into a cloud of purple smoke. The other one turned around and tried to attack me, but my body reacted on it's own again and I ducked under it, and uppercut it before it could react. It went up, and when it crashed into the ground next to me, it dissipated into a cloud of purple smoke.

    The boy looked up, slowly shaking off his fear. "Ar...are you alright?" I said, trying my best to just go with what I just did. "Y-yeah....who are you?" Said the boy in a shivering, scared voice. He wore a hoody so I couldn't see his face, and he was wearing shorts and Sneakers.....seriously, who wears a hoody and shorts-no, who wears a hoody on a nice day actually?! Errm, back to what I was saying, as I pondered what to say for a moment, I finally worked up the courage and said "I'm the person trying to help you." After that, I heard fighting sounds, there were soldiers in armor trying to push the creatures back. *I have to make a choice* I thought to myself for a moment, then I had an idea. "Hey kid, run into the hospital, I'm sure the doctors will protect you." I said. "B-but...what about my daddy?" The little boy said in an almost crying voice. For some reason, that REALLY tugged at my heartstrings, so I said without a second to think about it: "I'll find him and bring him back okay, I promise!" The kid stood there for a second, and ran into the hospital. *What've I just gotten myself into?*

    I then began running at the 12 creatures attacking the soldiers. I ran into one as hard as I could knocking him into 2 others, they dissipated, then I grabbed one by the tail, swung him straight up in the air, and slammed him into another, then they dissipated. *5 down, 7 to go.* I jumped into the air, lunged at the on in the middle, before he could react, I grabbed him by the throat, the tossed him to my left, hitting into 3 other creatures, they dissipated. One was about to get me when the soldier beside me had a sword appear and slash him, he dissipated in an instant. "Thanks kiddo, we got I from here!" He said in a confident voice. He was brown, and in my perspective looked pretty heroic when he rushed in at the others. *I guess they do, so I'll just provide back-up if they need it.* They were slaying them, one after another, 5 left, then 2, then...oh wait they're all gone. They cheered for awhile. Then the ground began to rumble under us, and from the city walls, a bigger one that could fly was coming after us. *.....Oh boy*

    Next: Chapter 2, Swordplay.