Muirgen: Princess of Fomorii
“Why?” A nurse whined, lifting her dress up to keep up with her charge.
“So pwetty.” The young girl reached her chubby arms towards the glistening ceiling. Her face shone with a pinkish hue from the exertion of running around. Long black hair ringed her ecstatic face in braids, red blooms intertwined with the silky mane.
“Princess. . .” An exasperated voice came from behind her. The child giggled mischievously at her beleaguered nurse, as she hobbled over the smooth ground. Her graying hair fell from the tight bun at the nape of her weathered neck. She had to pause to catch her breath, and the young one crept forward with her big green eyes sparkling.
Reaching her nurse, she pulled on the many foliated skirts, begging to be picked up and held. The maid obliged, although she felt as though her heart would burst out of her chest.
“Want up.” The tiny tot smiled, her teeth beginning to peek through her pinked gums.
“Mir, my love, you are up.” The old nurse told the princess, pinching her puffy fat cheeks with her withered fingertips. She mustered all her strength in her arms and tossed the Princess Muirgen high into the air, causing the child to shriek with joy. Her dark hair spread away from her face, and her delicate angelic features were lit up by the distorted light of her world. The maid caught the girl, spinning her around like a top.
“Want go up there Mammy.” Mir, as she was adoringly called by her nursemaid, pointed towards the sky. The ‘sky’ was shimmering with the waves of an unruly waterfall, which poured down relentlessly over the hidden kingdom of the Fomorii, the world beneath the waves.
Muirgen’s face contorted into a wail, her high pitched screams echoing off the stones in the garden which she so loved to play in. “Want up! Want up!” She blubbered senselessly, her tiny fists pounding against her nurse’s shoulders.
“Shush, you silly girl.” Mammy silenced the upset princess with a stern look, one only she had mastered when dealing with the unruly child. “It is against law. Your father would have your old Mammy’s head if he heard you speak like that.” Muirgen’s face was still stained by tears, and her eyes were red from her tantrum. Mammy reached into the deep folds of her dress, producing a stick of pink candy.
Instantly, the matter of going to the surface was forgotten, and Mir happily teethed on her sweet treat. Mammy resignedly gave a deep sigh, and sat on the ground with the Princess, her skirts billowing out around her. The garden produced vibrant coral, and bright jewel pebbles that were scattered across the soft sand that was made of glittering silver. The stones that protruded emitted the radiant golden glow. Fomorii was hidden because of its great wealth, the pure silver that was strung from the bows of red and pink coral and the pearls presented in the oysters mouth.
Many sought the treasures beneath the Eas-Ruaidh, the Red Cataract, and tenfold more had perished in their greed for the hidden city. Mammy wrapped her arms around Muirgen, keeping her secure against her side. She hoped the Princess would soon forget her enamor with the Above world, but she knew the girl would never give up.
She was far too stubborn.

- Title: Muirgen : Princess of Fomorii
- Artist: nenone
Wow, this is the first thing I've written on here for awhile.
This is a little one-shot I'll probably continue if I get the chance to do so. This is one of the Celtic legends that I found in a book I was reading. The book is by Peter Berresford Ellis, if anyone has the desire to look it up.
I'm going in a different direction with the legend, and I may just leave it as is. It's good writing practice after all. :) All helpful critiques are loved. <3 - Date: 06/08/2014
- Tags: muirgen princess fomorii
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