- In an alternate Tokyo, there is a secret underground district known as the Underworld; home to various black market and criminal dealings. Yuki Koyonagi, the titular 'Snow Queen' is the only daughter and heir to the infamous Koyonagi family, one of the most influential powers within the Underworld, until her father disappears suddenly and without a trace. Now in order to uncover the truth, Yuki takes over as the new head of the family and seeks 'talented' individuals to aid her in her task. What trials and dangers await the servants of the Snow Queen?
- by IsseiShikimoto |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/18/2015 |
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- Title: Servants of the Snow Queen
- Artist: IsseiShikimoto
- Description: A concept/idea. One of many I'll post. I'm looking to ask how it is. It can fit as a story or a comic. I want to know what direction to take it and if it needs revision. If more details about it are needed (characters, setting, plot, etc.) Just ask and I'll tell you. Thanks.
- Date: 03/18/2015
- Tags: servants snow queen
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