• Long before modern society, old village wives and wise men spoke of the "Fair Spirits."

    Said to have haunted the wastes of the dark ages, they were beautiful and enthralling to behold.

    Some believed they were the spirits of the dead, forced to wander the accursed earth for eternity.

    Others believed them to be devils incarnate, aiming to seduce the careless before enslaving their souls.

    But the Fair Ones remain a mystery even to this day.

    Their tales, once common and told across the lands, would begin to fade away.

    Their beauty and origins would be forgotten by the villagers as the world advanced into the modern age.

    Eventually, their existence would disappear from the annuls of history and folk tales would be banished to the realm of children's stories and myth.

    When the world would face its Great War, however, rumors can be found of a mysterious individual with silver hair and fair skin appearing among the wastes.

    A woman who would stand and look upon the winter sky as the clashing of battle could be heard in the distance along with the lamentations of the dying.

    She would turn to the onlooker then and she would smile, before disappearing in the wind.

    Like a spirit.

    Like she was never there.