• As I sat in class with the same blank stare I couldnt help but think about you, it was like I couldnt think straight. I looked out the little window of the door and saw you walking down the hall, I knew i had to see you, talk to you, make everything right again. I got up and slowly closed the door behind me and walked toward the bathroom, when i came out there you were. the look in your eyes said it all, we shared an amazing moment in that hallway and before i went back to class you grabbed my hand turn me toward you and kissed me. For the rest of the day i felt so happy like I could do anything, that was till lunch when I saw you with her, holding her hand, at first I thought I was dreaming till you looked up and saw me standing there, then you kissed her right in front of me, I ran out of lunchroom crying. After that moment I realized that you lied to me and her. after I told her the truth you lost both of us and still to this day you still dont have me, but Im stronger on my own...!!!...