there was a little boy looking at other kids playing and having fun he had brown hair
that looked red and bright blue eyes that had marks like a raccoon, he was watching the kids
play well he sat by him self on a swing that little boys name was Gaara. There had been a
girl watching him watch them this little girl had light blond hair bright blue eyes and a
lovely smile that never seemed to go away this cute little girls name was Naru. Then she
heard "HEY NARU LOOK OUT!!" Naru turned her head realy quickly then lookt at them
"hehe what was tha-" a ball had hit her right in the face "OH MY GOD NARU ARE U OK?!"
all the kids sead and some of the girls went to see if she was ok. They help her up
she lookt at them and sead with a smile "hehe ya im fine just a little bump on the head
is all now lets play before the sun goes down ok? hehe" (all the kids) "YA!". after an hour
of playing Naru couldn't help but think of that little boy she saw him in the same spot.
then after 2 hours past the boy got up and started walking away from them looking realy sad.
Naru lookt at the boy walking away and then called out to him "HEY THERE YOU
WANNA PLAY WITH US?" Gaara thinking she was talking to someone els just kept walking away
she called out to him agen but he just kept walking "Naru who are u calling?".
Naru turned to point at gaara but he was gone "ummm...that little boy" she sead hopping
that someone els saw him. They all lookt at her as if she was crazy "you don't mean..." sead
one kid "she dose" sead another. Naru just looked at them then one of her friends sead
"heya Naru well ur new here so that little boy is a monster ok? don't do anything with him
hes a scary monster and none likes him" Naru just looked at her with sad eyes. They
all heard there moms and dads calling there names "oo well looks like we all have to go
home now well see u later Naru" her friend sead hugging her. Naru hugged her back and sead
"ummm ya see u later" they both waved good bye Naru just stood there her father had not
called her to come home she thot 'he must want me back by now' she was walking past the
swings when she saw a teddy bear by them she took a long hard look at it tell she bent
down and then picked it up and sead in happiness "this is his!! that little boy had a teddy
when i saw him but dint when he left!, hehe i think heed like it back" Naru then looked at
the sky and pointed her nose to it then "*sniff sniff* so hes this way" she walked in the same
dereliction that Gaara was then in 10 minuets she was at his house she shift the teddy bear
then pointed her nose to the house in front of her "aaaaaa this is the one it has the same
sent". She then knocked on the door and a girls voice sead "who is it?" Naru dint know what
to say. She then held the bear tightly and sead "umm sorry for coming so late but ummm.."
then girl opened the door "well what do you want?". The girl had blond hair in 4 pony tails
wearing a black Yucatan with her hand on her hip has she was getting with Naru this
girls name was Temari. Temari lookt at the bear and then Naru put it out in front of her
Temari looked puzzled "I-im so sorry to come so late at night but.." Temari thot 'late at
night?' she lookt at the cloke and it was only 10:00 p.m she then sead to Naru "ok then but
way are u here?" she sead slowly closing the door Naru then remembered way she was there
"oo to give this to...." Temari had shout the door on Naru. Naru then walked home
and brout the bear with her. It was night and she had the bear with her in bed with her
cute little girl pjs. She slowly feel a sleep and thot 'i hope i see him tomorrow then
ill give him the bear' she sead cuddled the bear. Well Gaara was looking sadder then
ever when he was looking every where for the bear but it was nowhere. he almost started
crying when Temari came in his room. she then sead in a what ever voice " Gaara some girl
was has you bear she came to the house to give it to you but she was taking so long
i just closed the door on her ha! don't even know way she would bring it to u" Temari then
left Gaaras room and closed the door Gaara dint even know way she had brought the bear to
give it back to him. He then thot to him self 'a girl?..a girl brought my bear back?...
to give it to me?..but way?' Gaara then got realy sleepy and climbed into bed. he was
wearing Grey pjs.
The next morning Naru got up and then got dressed in a cute white dress. she then looked
at the dress and and then looked outside and sead "..hehe i dont want to get this
full of sand" (oh ya there in the desert witch has lots of sand and white.. not
the best chose of clothes) she then put on a dark blue dress with some red on it by the
neck and there was a little white "hehe this is good" she then left her room and went
down stars "FATHER IM UP AND WHATS TO EAT?...FATHER?" she went in to the kitchen and there
was a plat of food with a note that sead *Naru read this* on it. she then grabbed the note
and began to eat her breakfast. The note sead "Naru im sorry that i wont be home tell 11:00
p.m don't get into trouble well im gone. under stand?! love:....." she thot 'way dose he
always leave a blank? 11:00p.m humm hehe ok then ill clean the house or something well
hes gone'. Then at Gaaras him and then family just woke up he got dressed and then opened
his door and went down stares and Temari had just finished her breakfast when Gaara looked
around and sead "wheres Kankuro?" Temari just looked at Gaara "hes still sleeping"
"oh ok". Kankuro was Gaaras big brother he loved puppets and he wore a black buddy suet
with a red and yellow symbol on it. Gaara then sat down and eat his breakfast then left
with out another word.
After school Naru had put the bear in her bag just in case she saw him agen then her and some
friends went in the same spot they were yesterday and were desisting what game to play
"soccer!" sead one kid "no tag!!" sead another Naru then sead in a cute shy voice "hehe
way don't we play ninja?" they all looked at her and sead "YA LETS PLAY THAT!" her friend
sead "well that's something we all like to do and plus we will be ninja one day so way not
have some fun with it?" all the kids had a laghf after that. They picked teams and then
"OO CRAP!! WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH KIDS!" there was Naru and her friend on one team and they were
all in a group of three. Naru just backed off when they all got into a fight she then giggled
and cote a sent in the air she looked by the swings and there was that little boy she
looked at the other kids they were to busy fighting. So she started walking to him when
she remembered what her friend sead "that little boy is a monster ok? don't do anything with
him hes a scary monster and none likes him ha and hes feared by every one in the village ok"
Naru stooped and then sead to her self 'I don't care what they say about him im still
going to do this' she walked to him and he was looking at the ground he then saw something
so he looked up to see a cute smiling girl looking at him. Gaara blushed looking back at
her "ummm.... can i help you?" she then took her bag and sead "hi im Naru whats your name?"
Gaara looked shocked and then sead in a shocked voice "umm.. my-my n-name is Ga-Gaara"
she then put her hand in her bag and sead "hehe nice to meat u Gaara" Gaara then lookd a
little happy cuz someone was talking to him he smiled a little and sead "so ummm... what
are you doing in your bag" she smiled at him and sead i have something for you"
Gaara blushed a little more "what?". Naru then took out the bear and sead "im sorry but
you left it here the other day and i thot id give it back to you" oh I see" Gaara then
looked down looking sad thinking that she did it so he wont hurt her. Naru saw the sadness
and then sead "im sorry for taking it i mean i saw it and you left it i tryd to give it
to you at your house but i gess u went home". Gaara then thot 'is this the girl that came
to the house to give it back to me?' Naru then put out her hand as if she wanted Gaara
to grab it she then smiled at Gaara and sead "hehe you wanna play a game with me and
my friends? were playing ninja and we need one more person on my team would you like to
be on my team Gaara" Gaara then looked at her with a realy happy face and sead in a happy
voice "ya sure i will!". He then grabbed Narus hand and then had his teddy in the other hand
"hehe ok come on" she pulled him off the swing and then ran to the other kids
fighting and lookd at her "GREAT JOB NARU WERE IS HE OR SHE?". All the kids looked happy
they could finaly play ninja. Naru had stoped right in front of her friends and then sead
in a happy voice "hehe its a boy here he is hehe". Gaara was blushing because hes never
been invited to play a game with the other kids he was exited and shy at the same time
he came out from behind Naru and sead in a shy voice "ummm.... hi im-" all the kids cute him
off by screaming at the top of there lungs they all cryed out "NARU RUN RUN!!!". Naru
just looked at them "run? run from what?" then her friend sead in a scared voice as the
rest of the kids ran off "NARU TH-THE MANSTER RUN HELL GET YOU AND KILL YOU" she then
pointed at Gaara. Gaara then had tars in his eye Naru was holding his hand when she was
pulling Gaara's hand. She saw the tears in Gaara's eyes and then snapped at her friend
"what are you talking about this is not a-" when she turd to see what her friend was doing
her friend had ran off screaming "HA SORRY NARU BUT ID RATHER LIVE BETTER YOU THEN ME!!!".
Gaara then lets go of Naru's hand and fell to the ground and started crying and
sead in a crying voice "well? aren't you going to run from me?" he put his hands on his
face as he cryed and he thot 'i know it was too good to be true that i was able to
play with them'. Naru then looked at him crying and bent down behind him and put her hands
on his shoulders and sead in a swette voice "pleas don't cry Gaara". Gaara then sead
"arnt you going to run to? im the monster there running from" Naru then looked shocked
and stood up like she was going to leave but then she went in front of Gaara and crouched
down in front of him she then put her finger to his face and whiped the tears from his
face "hummm...". Gaara started blushing and looked at her with is sad and crying face she
then moved the hair from his face and looked in his eyes and smiled "hehe you don't look
like a monster to me you look like a sad little boy Gaara" she sead that all with a smile on
her face. Gaara just looked at her cuz she called him Gaara not monster or something like
that "you mean your not scared of me like the others?" she then looked at him and shook
her head "no im not iv seen many monsters in my life time and your just a little boy with
a monster in him that don't make you one am i right? it was not your chose to have it in
you" she then wiped the rest of the tears from his face and Gaara sead "im not a monster
to you?" she shook her head agen "no". Then Gaara just looked at Naru cuz she had put her
hand out as if she wanted Gaara to grab it agen. Tack my hand and ill be your friend forever
no matter what happens ill be there for you and help you with any thing you need and
if you hurt me i wont mind because were friends and i know that it was not because you
want to its cuz of the monster inside of you ok? hehe hows that?" Gaara looked at her cute
smile and smiled back at her hes never heard someone say something like that to him before
so he started slowly putting his hand out to grad Narus. Naru then let him take his time
tell he grabbed her hand "Gaara i will call you Gaara nothing els but.." Gaara then
sead with a little smile on his face "call me what?" she then giggled and sead "friend"
Gaara then sead looking realy happy and in a happy voice "fr-friend! ok that's ok with me".
Naru then helped Gaara up and sead "were friends forever and ever no matter what" Gaara
smiled and nodded "friends forever and ever and ill try not to hurt you i promise" they
both smiled and each other. Naru then looked at her watch and sead "oh no Gaara i have
to get home before my father gets mad at me" she still had Gaaras hand in hers she was
going to say "can i walk you home?" but then Gaara sead in a realy happy voice "hey Naru
can i walk you home?" Naru looked at him with a smile "hehe sure" Gaara was blushing
and smiling as the sun set behind them. (its the deserd so it looks realy nice)
Gaara and Naru walked and walked tell they were at Naru's house "thank you for
walking me home Gaara" Gaara was still smiling and blushing "no problem im glad to"
"hehe... oooh i got it wait here!" Gaara looked at her "ummm... ok" Naru ran into her
house and then went into her room as Gaara waited at the door. Gaara looked as
people walked by making sure not to get close to him he almost got sad agen tell Naru
came out of the house "Gaara i have a gift for you hehe". Gaara looked at her with a
happy look "a-a gift for me?". Naru nodded and sead with a giggle in her voice "yep
hehe ok close your eyes" Gaara then started blushing agen and closed his eyes "what is it?"
Naru then put something on his neck and then put on on hers "hehe ok open them"
Gaara opend his eyes and then looket at the necklines it was half a heart and it sead on it
"' fri- for-"' he looked at her and sead " what dose it mean?" she then held up her half
heart up to saw Gaara it sead "'-ends -ever"'. she then told Gaara to hold his up
and they put them together and it sead "' friends forever". Naru then hugged Gaara
and sead "I mean this we will be friends forever and ever no matter what" Gaara then sead
happily "ya we will be friends forever and ever" he then hugged her back.
The End
By: kitty icon_heart.gif
- by Chii_Jones7866 |
- Non Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/14/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Gaara's First Friend
- Artist: Chii_Jones7866
this is a store of gaara when he was little you know that no one liked him i feel like what if this were to happen? the store i wright is about him and a cute little girl. lol and yes it is very long but the people that read it say its good lol thank you for reading :XD
and i know sead is spell said but i spell sead - Date: 12/14/2008
- Tags: gaaras first friend
- Report Post
Comments (7 Comments)
- Chii_Jones7866 - 01/25/2009
- hehe i am writing more like this one but they are older hehe XD
- Report As Spam
- iRemidy - 12/22/2008
- nice dolly^^
- Report As Spam
- jammy_7944 - 12/16/2008
- wow thats really good!!! its so cute >.<
- Report As Spam
- Chrona_13 - 12/16/2008
- It's okay. i give it a 4
- Report As Spam
- Chii_Jones7866 - 12/15/2008
- hehe thank you you guys biggrin i hope you enjoyed it biggrin
- Report As Spam
- Chii_Jones7866 - 12/15/2008
- hehe thank you you guys biggrin i hope you enjoyed it biggrin
- Report As Spam
- sex_toy7944 - 12/15/2008
- wow sis you got some talent on you!!!!!!!!
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