• Dear Sweenda,

    Oh God.Joshua asked me for my number!He said that he liked me a lot and would like to spend some time with me.He said after his basketball game pack up some clothes for the weekend because I'm spending the weekend with him!I decided to stay after school and watch him play.

    While walking to the gym,someone tapped me on the shoulder.When I turned around(thank God I have quick reflexes), they tried to hit me with their fist.I knew it had to be one of the girls because of their scary glares.But I wasn't.It was a guy.He had red hair and blue eyes.Catching my breath I asked,"What the hell was that for!?!?!Who the hell are you?!?!"But he just ran away.
    I have a hunch Sweenda,that he hates me.That encounter might be a warning.I knew it.Someone is pissed at me.From now on,I must be on guard and watch out or else it might be serious.

    All righty.About the game,our team,the wild cats won.Joshua did an amazing job.At the bench when he took off his shirt,I saw his amazing physique.He is really handsome.I really like him.I just hope that nothing bad will happen to me because I like Joshua.

    With Love I say another time,
