• Life, what is it really?
    The light that comes from the sun?
    The giving of birth of another child?
    Or is it but the essence within us
    That really makes us live? Many theories
    Have been regarded as "Life" in the human's eyes
    But if we cherish life so much, why is there
    War then? why is there ceaseless
    Deathes around us? Why do we the people value
    Our lives more then anything? is is simple-
    Greed, Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Sloth, Envy and Lust.
    These are the things that haunt the daily lives of the
    People. These are the things that corrupt the minds
    Unchosen to wield such an authority, to be able to choose
    Such a freedom. To harness as much power as a person
    Can in their lifetime, to be regarded as a worthy
    Opponet to those above the status of law. Life?
    Life is but a simple trinket that lives within the minds of
    Those to ignorant to be able to bear it.