• What does the American Flag mean? To many it is the symbol of freedom but to me it is the symbol of our rights as citizens of America. When I think of the flag, I think of the many men and women who fought to keep us free.

    Each colour of the flag has special meanings. Red means hardiness and valour. To me that shows how we were able to endure hardship, that we have courage and determination to prevail in any situation that’s thrown at us.

    White means purity and innocence. I feel it symbolizes how even when we are faced with things that might make us seem bad or evil in some ways, we are able to show we are doing what is going to improve things in a lot of ways. While others might not be able to see the whole big picture, we can persevere and conquer anything in our way that might try to stop us.

    Blue means vigilance, persevere, and justice. I believe this determines how we are seen through others’ eyes. To me this says that we are watchful, uphold traditions and customs, and that we have moral rightness.

    No matter how hard people may fight against us, they will never win because there will always be somebody willing to fight back and save our freedom. To those that never learn, we know we can conquer all and win. So I always try to remember that the American flag symbolizes more than our freedom, it shows how hard we are willing to fight for our country and try to succeed at all costs. I feel that we need to remember everyone that fights and fought for our country everyday and keep the truth in our hearts forever more.