Linnea slipped on her shoes as she sat by on the step that divided the Front door from the house. She thought it was respectful to take off your shoes before you enter someone's house. When she had finally untied the last shoe. She stood up. She wore a black dress that stopped at her knees. It had a bow tie in the back. Something one of her sisters made her. She opened the door. Not telling anyone she was leaving. And closed it softly. Adina sat on her bed, looking across her room. The stuffed bunnies stared blankly back at her, she rearranged them by color; just to past the time. Her colorful bed sat in the center of the bare room. The open window invited the wind to enter, the air ruffed her hair. Sighing, Adina left the bedroom to look for her sisters. Ryuk sat down at the bottom of the cliff. "Crap." A few moments ago he was hiking with his friends. Next thing he knew he lost his footing and fell down the cliff. Ryuk tried to stand up and immediately fell back down the moment he put weight on his right ankle. "Dang it"! Ryuk yelled grasping his ankle, he had sprained it. He stood up slowly trying to keep his weight off his ankle. Ryuk looked back up the cliff, way to steep to climb. He looked around, no way to get back up at all from what he could see. Ryuk limped away from where he had sprained his ankle staying close to the cliff. His leg was trembling from the pain in his ankle, even the slightest amount of weight on his ankle caused it to lapse into searing pain. Linnea started to hum as she walked between the trees. People always say they could hear her humming from miles away, and wondered how she could do it. She never really knew. She had gotten this Ability shortly after Jennets Death. She continued to hum as she stared up at the sky. Leilani wakes up to find most of her sisters still shut inside their rooms. She gets dressed in a blouse and skirt. She heads down stairs and begin making breakfast for everyone. As she begins cooking the pancakes, she hears her sister's soft hum. "Oh, she is already awake...and humming..." Leilani thought. The woods were quiet as always. Linnea soon stop humming as she walked. Of course the woods were full of Vampires. Just plain old vampires. Nothing new. She wondered if her sisters were up, but she just kept walking further away from the house. Leilani finishes making the pancakes and puts them on the table. She then places the blood syrup onto the table. Leilani thinks "Ugh...Why blood?" She also gets the normal maple syrup for her. She sits down and begins to eat. "Hm...I wonder who else is awake". Linnea is already out. I hope she returns before the pancakes get too cold." Leilani thought to herself. She finishes her pancakes and puts the dishes in the sink. "I'll do the dishes after everyone has eaten their breakfast." Leilani said to herself. She leaves the kitchen and gets her shoes. "I'll take a short walk." Leilani thought. Adina smelt the pancakes from her door way, her stomach growled loudly. She ran through the halls, sliding around corners, jumping over stairs, and tripping to a stop as she tumbled into a wall upside down. “Owww, need to work on landing…” She rose, rubbing her bottom. “MARCO!” She yelled hoping for a reply, “polo. . .” She echoed herself. Adina walked into the kitchen, “Dang, you can’t find anybody in this house!” Archy wakes up to the smell of blood and fresh pancakes. "Hm...Leilani must have already woken up and breakfast smells great! "Archy thought. Archy gets out of bed and changes into her usual black and red dress that she made. "I wonder if the clothes that i had made for my other sisters still fit. I might have to make bigger sizes soon. "Archy mumbled quietly to herself. She heads downstairs and into the kitchen to find that everyone's plate is filled with pancakes but Leilani spotted at the table is completely cleared. Archy sighs and whispers to herself, "Leilani always wakes up too early and ends up eating by herself all the time..." Archy sits down at her spot and began to pour the blood syrup over her pancakes. She begins to eat and soon she finishes. She places her dirty dishes in the sink and heads outside. As she walks towards the woods she thought, "Today is kind of cloudy so I might be able to practice my sword skills for a bit and maybe even my sonic blast if Leilani isn't nearby." Leilani walks around inhaling the wonderful breeze. "Well, I better get back soon now." Leilani told herself. She walks back to the mansion. She gets inside and takes off her shoes. Hearing someone was in the kitchen, she walks towards the kitchen. She walks inside to see that Adina was beginning to eat her pancakes. "Hey, good morning sis. Do the pancakes taste ok?" Leilani asked. Ryuk sat down and looked up the cliff, still no way up. He let out a sigh. Why me? He thought. Ryuk stood up wincing in pain as he put the slightest bit of weight on his ankle. He needed to find a way out of here. He looked down the cliff face as far as he could until it curved from view. There was no one in sight. Archy walks into the woods but then loses her interest in practicing her powers. "Well, Leilani might be nearby and i don't want her to get hurt...I'll practice on another day." Archy thought to herself. Archy continues to walk headed towards the cliff after deciding on not to practice her skills. She reaches the cliff and sits down with her legs over the edge. As she looked beyond the cliff, she sees the wonderful scenery and sits in awe. Sniffing a weird and unfamiliar smell, she looks down the cliff to find a boy standing against the cliff. Archy thought, "Now who is he? Is he a threat or will he not mean harm? I better go see..." She turns around and walks through the woods to a shortcut down the cliff. She walks on the shortcut until she reaches the boy. She cautiously approaches him. "Excuse me, but who are you and what are you doing here?" She asked him in a polite manner. Ryuk looked over at the girl a little surprised anyone else was out besides him and his friends. "I'm Ryuk, me and my friends were hiking until I fell down a cliff and got lost." Ryuk said wincing at the pain in his ankle. I see." Archy replied. Archy thought "Well, he has friends with him. He seems nice enough and i can't sense anything that signals that he is a vampire hunter. He is hurt too, so i guess I can allow them to stay until his ankle is better." "Well, why don't we head over to my house? You can stay there with your friends until your ankle is better. I also have 4 other sisters and I think that they would be glad to help you and your friends." Archy replied with a soft smile. "I live pretty close to here and I know a shortcut that is not too steep, so I'm sure you can make it." Archy said. She heads toward the shortcut but turns around and looks back at Ryuk. "If you need any help then just tell me. You can lean on me and I'll help you go up. Oh, also pardon my rude manners but my name is Archy and it's a pleasure to meet you." Archy. Kenji was running down a path. He kept looking around for his friends. "Man where are they?" Kenji said to himself out of breath as he stopped. He leaned up to a tree too catch his breath. He closes his eyes and looks into the sky. Ryuk followed Archy to the shortcut. "Thank you Archy." His ankle wasn't feeling any better. It was still lapsing into searing pain every time he put any weight on it. It was near unbearable. You're welcome. Now after I take you to the house, I better go look for your friends. They must be worried." Archy replied. Archy and Ryuk continue to walk up the shortcut. Then about half way up the shortcut, Archy spots another boy leaning against a tree. "Hmm...Could that be one of his friends?" Archy thought. "Hey, Ryuk. Do you know that boy?" Archy asked as she pointed to the boy leaning against a tree. Ryuk looked over to where Archy was pointing and immediately saw Kenji. "Yeah that's Kenji." He said happy to see him. "Hey Kenji!!" He shouted waving his arm hoping he'd spot them. "Oh, so they are friends and apparently his name is
Kenji." Archy thought to herself. Archy looked up at Kenji and see that he is still looking at the sky. Archy said "He might not see us from down here, so let's continue going up." Great more walking. Ryuk thought to himself as he followed Archy up the hill. His ankle wasn't making it any easier to walk. Kenji thought he heard someone call his name. He looked around and saw Ryuk and someone coming up a hill. He waved and started to walk over to them. I wonder who that is. Kenji thought to himself. And why is Ryuk walking .Linnea stuck her feet into the Icy River as she stared into the water. She still had a fear of water and this was only how far she would go in. She kicked her feet a little as she started to hum. Rail jumped out from a tree, landing behind Ryuk silently. He leaned closer to Ryuk's ear. "Long time no see 'yuk", he screamed trying to scare Ryuk. Rail stood there letting the wind blow his pitch black hair. His red eyes glistened. Archy hears someone behind her scream and turns around immediately. Archy's eyes flare up a bit and stares at Rail. Archy sees that Rail is also one of Ryuk's friends and calms down. "Hello, I'm Archy. Ryuk's ankle is sprained so I welcomed him to stay at my house for a while or at least until his ankle is better. You and Kenji and any of your other friends are welcome to stay too." Archy said in her polite manner. Archy thinks "Hmm...He doesn't seem like a normal human nor a hunter. Who or what is he?" Archy looks into Rail's eyes and sees that he is half vampire. "What? He is a half vampire...that's rare around these parts...But he seems nice, so I guess all will be fine." Archy thought.
Ryuk put jumped slightly at Rail's yell and put all his weight on his ankle when he landed. Pain surged through his ankle and he fell down. Ryuk got back up slowly. "Nice to see you to Rail." He said wincing in pain. "Cool." Kenji said looking the girl over. Something feels odd. Kenji thought to himself. It must be my imagination. I have nothing too base this feeling off of. Alessa flew through the trees as an owl and watched the activity from above. She landed in a tree and just walked around. Linnea stared into the water. She look up and her eyes widened as she seen a figure in the water. It started to walk closer, until Linnea relized it was Jannet. She opens her mouth to say something but nothing came out. Jannet then started to rush towards screeching. It felt like something hit Linnea head as she flew back and landed on the ground with a thud. "Oh nice one 'yuk", he said as he stared down at him. He reached down and picked him up. "You were always so lazy", he said. Rail then turned and looked at the girl. "So where is your house, so we can get Mr. lazy butt here there", he said then was followed by a laugh. "Alright. Follow me. It should be just up ahead. C'mon Kenji, Rail and Ryuk." Archy said as she began to walk up the route. Archy looks up as she hears an owl fly through the air above her. "Alessa, you need to watch out. If you had stopped and transformed back here then there would be a lot of trouble." Archy thought as she glanced over her shoulder and look at the guys. Archy turned back and continued on towards the house. "Why does my heart beat I look like this every time I look at Rail? Yet my mind says I shouldn't do anything more than be a friend..." Archy thought. Soon the house comes into view as the route ends. "See up there? That's my house. I have 4 other sisters so don't be surprised that I live in such a big mansion." Archy told the guys as they kept on walking towards the house. Kenji watched her as they walked. I can't seem to put my finger on it. Kenji thought to himself. I don't trust her. He didn't hear anything she said when they got up to mansion. He didn't notice it either; he just kept looking at her. Ryuk looked at the house. "Wow big place." A little bit creepy too. He thought to himself. Wonder why it's all the way out here in the woods. Alessa read Archy's thoughts and went far enough away to morph then came back to Archy holding in a giggle. She looked at Rail. I guess he's kinda cute.....from your prospective...She teased. "Hello." She said to the guys that were following her sister. "Here we are." Archy said as they approached the house. "Yes, it is big but considering the chaos my sisters create, this house was perfect. " Archy said with a smile that was half fake and half real. "Hi Alyssa. Ryuk, Kenji and Rail, this is my younger sister, Alessa." Archy said as she thought, "You just had to read my thoughts at that time didn't you! I'm not sure if I like him...I probably do but I know that I shouldn't be anything more than a friend..." Archy said to the guys, "Anyways we better get inside so that Ryuk can rest his ankle. My sister Leilani should be able to get you some first aid treatment. She was always good with that kind of stuff." With that said, Archy opened the doors to the mansion and let everyone go in. Linnea had started to walk home. She had a bloody spot on her head. This happen a lot of time. Everytime her sisters asked her what happen, She never Knew. She was going to try and hide it, but theirs a good chance that Leilani would find it. She wiped some of the blood of her cheek, smearing it a little. Nea had sense other people there. But she just ignored it. She walked into the house and seen Archy with Some guys she's never seen before. Archy hears the door open again and turns around. She sees that it was her younger sister, Linnea. "Hi Linnea. Welcome back home. This is Ryuk, Kenji and Rail." Archy said to Linnea as she pointed to the boys. "Ryuk, Kenji and Rail, this is my other younger sister Linnea. She has a twin named Leilani. They look a lot alike but I'm sure you guys will be able to tell the difference." Archy said. Kenji was still lost in his mind. Why do they have a mansion all the way out here? Kenji thought to himself. Are they hiding from someone, or from something? Kenji still couldn't put his finger on it. He just felt something was amiss. Linnea had examined all the guys. She then bow and said softly. "Nice to meet you." She then looked at Archy. She was covering the scratch with her hand. Where's the first aid kit? She ask Archy. Leilani hears the front door open and close several times. Then she hears her sisters' voices but she sensed that they were not alone. Leilani wondering who else was here exited the kitchen before Adinn had a chance to answer her question. Leilani came to the front door to find her older sisters, Linnea and Archy standing there with 3 guys that she had never met before. "Oh hello." Leilani said as her shy personality began to take over. Straining to resist the urge to run out of the room, Leilani said "Hi Archy, Linnea. Who are the guys?" Leilani asked in a polite manner. Leilani looked at her sisters, Archy first then at Linnea. Leilani spots a smudge of blood on Linnea. "What?! Not again Linnea...You better go wash it off before anyone else sees that smudge and don't pretend that you can't hear me thinking. I know you can." Leilani thought. Leilani looked back at the guys and saw that one was hurt. "Oh no. What happened to your ankle? I'll get you some ice so that the swelling will go down. After that I'll wrap your ankle in a bandage. Oh, also my name is Leilani. I'm Linnea's younger twin." Archy said with a smile. Linnea shot a glance at Leilani before groaning and then walking into the bathroom. You always treat me like a Little Kid. She told Leilani as she walk into to the bathroom, knowing that Leilani could hear her. She look at the cut in the mirror and wince when she touch it. This one was deeper then the last one. She turn the water on to hot and waited for it to warm up. Leilani saw Linnea walk into the bathroom and calmed down a bit. "Well, if you didn't get hurt or in trouble so often then I wouldn't have to treat you like a child now would I? It's a weird set up considering the fact that you are older than me. " Leilani thought. Leilani then payed attention to the task at hand and went into the kitchen to get some ice. She came back and gave the ice to the boy she saw was hurt. "Here, the pain should minimize when the swelling goes down." Archy said kindly. Kenji lowered his head as he closed his eyes and sighed. He was getting tired of trying to figure these people out for the time. He then looked up and noticed Leilani. He looked right at her but didn't say anything. Leilani noticed that one of the guys was looking at her. Leilani then got nervous and said " Well, I guess you guys will be staying here for a while. I'll go and prepare the guest room for you." Then with that being said Leilani walked up the stairs and headed to the guest rooms. As she saw everything was perfect in them, she sat down and thought " Who are they? I feel different when I look at the guy that was looking at me. Shy but not the normal shyness I normally get..." Leilani stood up with a sigh and exited the room. Leilani began heading down the stairs. When Leilani walked away Kenji realized he had been staring. Man i should pay more attention. Kenji thought to himself. I need to keep my head out of the clouds"Oh look, Leilani is coming back down." Archy said as she looked towards the stairs. "Hm...Kenji was staring at Leilani...Could he be falling for her? But then again where am I to say things like this? I know I'm falling for Rail no matter how hard I try to stay a friend..." Archy thought. Archy looked back at the boys and said " Well, your rooms are done if Leilani is coming back down. Do you want to go see where you will stay? " Archy asked. "Oh yeah, Leilani. The one that is injured is Ryuk. The one with black hair is Rail and the one with red hair is Kenji." Archy said to Leilani. "Ok, Archy." Leilani replied. "I can lead you to your rooms if you want me too?" Leilani said to the guys. Leilani stood on the bottom step of the stairs as she awaited for their answer. Alessa grimaced. Please stop talking so loud. You know I can hear your thoughts all the time...Alessa said. It was true. She couldn't tune more than one person out at a time and she usually got a headache when she tried. "If any of you guys need me I'll be in the library..." Trying to get some peace! She added mentally to her sisters. She even heard the boys' thoughts. Rail's mouth dropped when he saw the girls. Beautiful girls everywhere. Rail accidentally dropped Ryuk. "Woops, sorry", he said still looking at the girls. "Who is talking loud?", he asked hearing one of the girls thoughts. Rail couldn't tell the difference in thoughts and actually speaking. He was having a hard time mastering his telepathy. I'm so sorry Alessa." Leilani thought as a slight frown appeared on her face. It quickly disappeared for she didn't want the boys to question her. She returned to her smiling face and looked at the guys. "sure i'll go to my room." Kenji replied moving towards the stairs. He looked up at her and smiled. Kenji then waited for her to lead the way. Leilani looked at Rail with a questioning face. "He also knows telepathy?" Leilani thought. Hearing Kenji's reply, Leilani smiled brightly and began heading back up the stairs. "Ok. C'mon, follow me." Leilani said to Kenji. Alessa looked at the one boy with a frown on her face then turned to her sister. We're gonna have a problem with that one...She said as she left the room and went into the huge library/study. She picked up a book, her favorite, and sat down in a comfy chair and began to read. "OK." Kenji said starting to walk up the stairs. He then turned around. "Are you guys going to be ok?" He asked Rail and Ryuk but he had been walking up the stairs backwards. with a smile. Linnea walked out of the bathroom with a bandage on her head. Leilani. Do you want me to go ahead and get Dinner started? She asked. She knew her sister was busy. And besides she liked cooking and Helping out Leilani. Me a problem", he said under his breathe. One thing about Rail's telepathy is he doesn't know he has it. He catches bits and pieces on thoughts, but rarely hear the whole thing. He looked at the girls. His eyes were glued to them. I think I am dreaming. No way I can be reunited with my friends then meet up with a bunch of beautiful girls. Umm...Ok, I guess. But be careful and I think Adinn is still in there. I'll be down once I show Kenji his room, ok?" Leilani said to Linnea. Leilani continued up the stairs with Kenji following her. When they reached the top, she turned right and walked down the hall. "Here we are. The rooms on this side of the house is for our guests. You may pick whichever room you like. " Leilani said to Kenji
Ryuk walked over and sat at the bottom of the steps holding the ice pack on his ankle. "We'll be fine Kenji. You go find a room." Ryuk had a feeling something was wrong. Why would there be a mansion in the middle of the woods? There's no roads around here for miles. "OK." Kenji said standing there looking at the rooms. He then looked at Leilani. "So do you wanna hang out or something?" Kenji asked scratching the back of his head. He then looked down at the floor. Leilani heard what Linnea was saying and agreed. She reach the stairs and began heading down. Seeing that Alessa was sitting with Ryuk at the bottom of the stairs, she carefully stepped around them, to not disturb them. She went into the kitchen to find that dinner was almost ready. She went back out and said "Dinner is almost ready. Go wash your hands and head back to the kitchen. Alessa please help Ryuk and Rail find the bathroom." Leilani then went back into the kitchen and washed her hands in the sink.
Don't worry. I won't burn the house down. Besides you need the break, so you don't have to do dinner tonight. She told Leilani. She started to head towards the kitchen. Catching a glance at some of the boys. Alessa, hearing Ryuk's thoughts, emerged from the library and sat down beside him. After a few moments she began to speak. "Our great-great-grandfater built this house. It was his third house. He had one in the city, one in the country and this one. He favored this house because it's so secluded. One day something happend to make him sell his other homes and come here to live. Everyone in our family has lived here since." She explained, hoping that it didn't seem as if she read his mind. Intresting..." Ryuk said looking around the room. Nice design. Must've been a millionaire to have had 3 houses. He thought to himself. Yeah thats right." Kenji said fallowing her back down the stairs. He smiled as he fallowed behind Leilani. Kenji started too wonder what they where going to have for dinner. Leilani heard what Linnea was saying and agreed. She reach the stairs and began heading down. Seeing that Alessa was sitting with Ryuk at the bottom of the stairs, she carefully stepped around them, to not disturb them. She went into the kitchen to find that dinner was almost ready. She went back out and said "Dinner is almost ready. Go wash your hands and head back to the kitchen. Alessa please help Ryuk and Rail find the bathroom." Leilani then went back into the kitchen and washed her hands in the sink.
Alessa held back a chuckle. "It was quite normal back then to have several houses.." She said with amusment. "Yes Mother..." she teased her sister lightly. "Follow me to the bathroom where you can wash up." She said walking down the hall and showing them to the main bathroom which had five sinks. "Use the white soap to wash your hands then use the blue towels to your right to dry." She said leaving them to get ready for dinner. Linnea sigh in relief. She was finished. It didn't take that long anyways. When you have a sister that cooked a lot, of course you should know some of the recipes. She had cooked Human food, which didn't really bother her. Hopefully not some of her sisters. Kenji walked into a bathroom and washed his hands. He was still smiling and he couldn't figure out why. He then let out a sigh and headed to the kitchen. Rail had fallen asleep on one of the couches. He was a person who quickly falls asleep. He was bored and the fact that the girls had ignored him made him feel terrible. Apparently none of the girls thought he looked attractive. This made Rail even more sad, but now all he worried about was catching some sleep. Leilani hearing Alessa's comment giggled herself. "I know, I know. But there has to be someone to keep you under control. Even if I'm younger than you." Leilani thought teasingly. Leilani saw that Linnea had cooked human food, which was fine with her but maybe not so ok with her other sisters. "Linnea, we might have to make a special dessert. You know Adinn and Alessa and maybe even Archy aren't going to settle for just human food...But don't worry, I have an idea." Leilani said to her sister. Linnea had started to walk to the bathroom and seen a guy asleep on the couch. She thought that she should've left him there, but next thing she knew she was shaking him a bit.
"Hey. Wake up. Dinner's Ready"
Hearing what Leilani said, she said.
I should've thought of that. Ryuk washed his hands. This place is huge, why would one guy need all this space. He dried his hands and walked down the hall to the kitchen. Leilani started to set up everything at the dining table. "Hm...I wonder where is Archy? I know she likes Rail but I'm not sure if he does? I better go find her after I set up the table." Leilani thought. Rail let a small yawn escape from his mouth. He starred up at the person shaking him. It was a beautiful girl. Rail shook his head and then suddenly remembered everything. He jumped up and bowed before the girl many times. "I am so sorry. I was just really tired.", he said really embarrassed. Linnea couldn't help but to giggle alittle. She bowed and said,
"Well are you hungry? Because I just got finish cooking. Unless your tired." Kenji entered the kitchen. "So where are we eating?" He asked looking at the two girls. He smiled waiting for a reply. Leilani says " I'm not sure actually. I wasn't the cook tonight." Leilani looks around for Linnea. "She must be washing her hands or something. Pick anywhere to sit. " Leilani said with a smile. "Hm...I wonder where Archy went? She misses dinner most of the time because she comes home late but today she just disappeared." Leilani said with a worried look on her face. "Well lets wait for as long as we can then we can go look for them." Kenji said sitting down. "Have a seat." He said patting the chair beside him as he smiled. Rail stopped bowing and looked into the girls eyes with his bright red eyes. He couldn't help, but stare. He then realized what he was doing and shook his head. "Yes, I am very hungry.", he said truthfully. I do doubt the could actually satisfy my hunger, curse my father. Well you might want to wash you hands first." She said. Smiling a bit. She had gaze into his eyes for a bit before she turned her head a bit, noticing what she was doing.
"I can show you to the bathroom.. If you don't know where it is." She added. "Thank you. Where is the bathroom?", he said shyly. He ran he hand through his glossy black hair. His red eyes sparkled int he lighting of the houseLeilani said " Ok." She then sat down next to Kenji, waiting for everyone else to come in. "Hm...I wonder what is taking everyone so long. The food is going to get cold." said Leilani. Just follow me." She said and started to walk into a hallway. She then opened a door to her right and revealed the bathroom.
"It's right here." She said. She went to the sink and started to wash her hand. Knowing that Leilani was wondering where she was. Rail walked up beside her and started to wash his hands. He dried them off and waited for the girl to be done. He wasn't going to risk trying to find his way to the kitchen. He would probably starve to death before he found it. Archy comes down from the stairs and heads into dining room. "Oh, Leilani and Kenji, you are already here. Where is everyone else?" Archy asked. "More specifically, where is Rail? I can't deny it anymore...I do like him. " Archy thought as she sat down at the table. Linnea finsihed washing her hands and drying them off. She walked out of the bathroom and looked at Rail.
"Ok. Let's go." She said with a smile as she started to walk to the kitchen. "Hi Linnea, Hi Rail. Let's start eating. If we wait any longer then the food will be cold as ice." Archy said with a smile. "However I do wonder where the others went. We'll just save a part of dinner for them if they want to eat later." Archy said as she began to get some food onto her plate. Rail followed the girl. He was amazed about how extravagant the house was. His bright red eyes flickered at everything that interested him. He then started to worry. What if they find out about my um secret. What will happen when I don't eat the food they give me when I just said I was hungry. This is not going to be pretty. Hearing someone thoughts. She had looked a Rail. There was something about him, that was a bit strange. But she ignored it. She seen Archy and listened to what she said. She then nodded her head and sat down. Archy sees Rail coming forth and stands up. "Hey Rail, there is something I want to talk to you about. Do you have a minute?" Archy asked. Ryuk walked down the hall. He was lost, very lost. Which way to the kitchen. He thought to himself. Ryuk sighed. I guess I'll find it sooner or later. Rail looked at Archy worried that she had found out. His heart pounded deep in his chest. His eyes flickered with every beat. "Y-y-yeah sure, What is it?", he asked trying to shake off his fear. Archy sees that Rail looks very nervous. "Come on. I would prefer if others don't hear what I want to say." Archy said. With that Archy exited the room but gestured for Rail to follow. Linnea had looked around. Most of the people were here but she remember seeing one boy, who must've went looking around the house.
Maybe I should go find him. We cant have him missing dinner. She thought. She stood up from her chair and walked out of the room. Rail followed Archy into the next room. His heart still pounding at the thought that she knew. He looked at her, if he wasn't so scarred about him being found out he probably would have actually complimented her beauty, well to himself. Archy sighed. "I know your secret..." Archy whispered. "I know you are a half vampire...& that you really starve for blood..." Archy said as she gazed in Rail's eyes. "I also know that you don't crave human blood...but a vampire's... I won't harm you nor tell anyone, but most of my sisters are already suspecting something..." Archy said as she began to Rail wiped his lips. He smiled and then walked to where he remembered the other girl had taken Kenji. He found some rooms and walked inside one and laid on the bed. He started to the of Archy, she was beautiful,smart, and very nice. He sighed and closed his eyes. He was just a tad bt tired, but he wasn't ready to sleep.look away from him. "Here..." Archy whispered while she held up her wrist. "I have my own secret too... I also do wonder that if you are a half vampire, why couldn't you realize before? You should have at least sensed that something was off about me when you first saw me. I'm...also a vampire..." Archy said with a straight face even though she felt like crying on the inside. "You need it, so take it...but try not to spill it on our clothes... My blood should be able to curb your cravings." Archy said to Rail. "Just promise me one thing...please don't tell anyone else that I'm a vampire. If you ever feel like drinking blood come find me..." Archy said as she rolled up her sleeve. After no on noticed he broke off from the group of guys he began to explore on his own.He thought something fishy was going on for one how can a cute girl just live here by herself.-A very cutie girl- he thought grinning as he walked down a hall.
Linnea had walked up the stairs and into her room. Seeing as she wasn't hungry anymore, she started to go through her dresser. She always losted her drawing pad, but always found it in the end. But this time she couldn't.
Where is that thing? She thought Linnea had check her whole room and couldn't find it.
That had all my drawings in there! She thought. Seiliez sighed and turned around.Somehow he had gotten lost.-Damn it- He then continued to walk and he saw a table and on the table was a drawing pad. He reached and got it."Mustn't look" he sighed then laughed"No one is looking" He then opened the drawing pad expecting to see lame attempt of drawing but was surprised. She had pictures of scenery, her friend Jannet, and Her Sisters. The most important reason why she didn't want to lose it was because she had a picture of her parents in there before they abandon them.
Now its gone. Linnea said. She turned to walk out of her room before she tripped over something and landed on the ground with a thud. He continued to look at the drawing amazed by how beautifully they were drawn.He then looked up when he heard a thud.He saw a girl on the ground.What every guy would have done would have been to rush to girls side.He just burst out laughing and ran to the girl still clutching the drawing pad."You alright?" he said with a grin
Rail took a big gulp of air. "Yeah, I am", he said then taking another deep breathe, "I don't know why I didn't feel anything wrong. I guess its because you are my kin in a way so I felt safe.", he said as he looked at her wrists. He started to shake. "Are you sure I can", he said shyly. "Yeah. I guess." Linnea had said as she got up. She didn't know what she tripped off of and she didn't care. She had look up at Seiliez before she notice her drawing pad.
"Hey, You found my drawing pad." She said, looking at him. "You know there is no choice..." Archy said to Rail. "I'm a vampire that can drink any blood, so I drink animals' blood. But you can't. You won't be able to suppress the urge for long. I don't mind. As long as you feed on my wrist then I can cover it up with my sleeve." Archy whispered. "I'll do anything to help you..." Archy mumbled. "Now drink up. Everyone has finished their dinner, except you." Archy said with a soft but somewhat sad smile. "Thanks so much. I owe you big time.", Rail said as he bit down on her wrist. He bit soft enough not to hurt to much, but enough to get some blood. He drank till he was at least half-full. He didn't want to drain her. He looked deep into her eyes. His bright red eyes lit up as the connected with hers. He helped her up and grinned."I did?" He then look down at her - Hey shes pretty cutie-. he then got this huge smile on his face"So do I get a reward for this amazing find? "You're welcome." Archy whispered. Archy gazed into Rail's eyes as he gazed into hers. Archy's eyes shined bright baby blue as Rail looked at her. "After meals, just find me. Then you can eat." Archy said softly to Rail as she pulled down her sleeve to cover up her wrist. "Have a good night's rest." Archy whispered to Rail as she walked out the front door. Archy walked into the woods and thought "I really do like him...I'll do anything to help him...But now, I need to practice my skills." Archy came to a clearing and pulled out her hidden whip and began practicing her aim on the trees. Soon she finished and began to practice her sonic blast. Depends on what you mean by reward." Linnea said, looking at him. Rail wiped his lips.

- Title: vampires
- Artist: robgirl
- Description:
- Date: 06/17/2009
- Tags: vampires
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