• Everyday, I feel the same. What's with this new age of violence, of despair? Why is it okay to cause this pain? Why is it okay to rip families apart and tear lovers from the embrace of the other? It's not okay! It's downright sickening! Who knew such hatred existed? What place is this for newborns? For children, the voice of innocence? Why are babies dying before they can truly understand the world? Why must parents stand at coffins and see their child's face for the last time? They shouldn't! Parents should never have to bury a child! They should never have to shoulder the burden of pain and loss of their child! Who thinks the violence of this new age is all right? It's not all right! It's all wrong!. This world of pain, anger, hatred, despair, and sadness. Is there a cure? Only we carry the vaccine for the disease of violence. Can we change it? Of course! We can change it; by changing ourselves. Music and art are unchanging beauty in a changing civilization. Changing and growing in the wrong direction. Who can change this? Is it possible? Yes, it's possible! Yes, it can be changed! We are the future! We can bring the needed change!
    I am 17. I know it's a long and hard journey, but we can do it!