Look at all this blood. Look at all of the gushing life. Coming out of the meat of a human. Merely just skin and bone to me. Relying on sex and instinct. Disgusting to me for all of eternity. And so I take their blood and spread it across the carpet. I demand that hell takes their skin and torments it forever into an empty bliss...A bliss where I have resided for as long as I can remember. Straight to darkness for me, and straight to cutting for you. Cut the skin a thousand times again and again, is all I can do. They do not learn so easily. They are so stubborn, so decieving. Come now flood of destruction, from the veins of this being. Torment their very core until there is nothing left...but skin and bone. See it pour out like a waterfall, falling until all life stops in them.
Smell all of this blood. Smell the eerie death of this body. It makes me puke inside, but I feel like celebrating now that your gone. If I can't have what you have, then why do you have what I desire. Why must you smell like life, why must you walk on this ground. Sink below, deep in the crust of water so you may drown. Painfully crying out when no one can hear you. It's enough to make someone go insane...Someone may end up bleeding all over. Cut myself you ask me? But I do not need to cut, I don't have any blood afterall.
I do not have any blood. Does that mean I'm dead now? Not at all, just blackness covers my eyes. My heart stopped working along time ago, when it needed fixing...No one came to fix it. Dust comes from my wounds, and darkness aswell. I'm no longer functioning correctly. I see ghosts of murder, I see paranoid thoughts. I can tell when someone is avoiding me so easily. They do it because I'm darker than normal. I'm quieter than the wind. I'm lonelier than all people. I can no longer cry anymore. Pain seeps through me all too much.
That's why I must kill it all. Kill the rest of my feelings so I am just a statue. Just a bag of bones and skin...like the rest of the world. No longer do I have any friends. No longer do I have any family. Already the process has begun, because I can't feel what I'm writing...I can't feel the sorrow of what I'm writing. It may be time to plead insanity to the ones I love.Maybe then I can truely lose all my feelings. Even the one that holds me back from yelling all of my problems out of the cage holding them all in. I just wish I didn't have the key to open the cage. So that when it does come out, it will come out all at once. And so shall the last of my blood come out that I'm hiding in there.
I'm shaking as I write this, my eyes are going back and forth between the words and the floor. I feel cold, and my mouth waters with nothing but suffocating air. I wish I could close this wound that bleeds forever. But then I'll bleed internally. My eyes are going wide and I'm starting to twitch, my hands have trouble understanding what is happening. My body is growing stressful as I go on.
There is nothing I can do. The ages before me have shown this path I now lead, the path of my own. No single person has seen this path before, no single person can begin to understand what it is I do on this road. Simply put, I do not fit on the other roads. I'm pushed all around in my own pool of shame, little did I know back then who they really were. But now I know, it's not they who I knew not, but one that I knew not...The haters of my kind, who run at the sight of me, who turn around their words so I not know them. Who push me down back where I supposedly belong. There is nothing I can do, the soul of my body is forbade forevermore on this land...oh little did I know. Little de ye know. Who I truely am. The blood is not of any someone, this blood be the holder of a true person...but this world is owned by the fakes and the business. It's no wonder it's my blood I speak of. eek
Blood Of Someone
This is about the darkness of life. The darkness where I reside. Normally I wouldn't post these things...But what the heck, I'm not really caring much of what Is said about who I am.
I shall always be myself.
Bwahaha...Anyway, enjoy. Or maybe not.
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