• I dont want to give away his name so i am going to call him Chayce.
    Chayce had just gotten home from Disney World.He had been gone since the Friday before this Wednesday when he returned.I was so dupressed because i had missed him so much.As soon as he returned home and finished unpacking,i ran out back to the trail behind my house.Sure enough when i returned from my walk in the woods...he came up behind me with his gun...he had been shooting squirels.We got to talking about everything each of us had missed the past few days.Soon enough but too soon,his dad called him into the house.Before he jumped the fence to go home...he stopped:...."Do i get a hug?"He asked patiently."Of course!"i said trying not to waste a moment.We sat there and hugged eachother for a few moments....."I missed you."He wispered in my ear.My heart sank right there...."I missed you soooo much more."