• Kuma, Draven, Kiki, Senbu, Himiko, Sterula , and Shade asked Satomi who does Ryukoi like?
    Satomi paused a moment and think for a while about her little brother love interests is. Ryukoi spoke little said'' It Kimaria. She one of the powerful leader in Kyushu clan. She is a ninja warrior princess. she wears protective armor body gear ninja outfit. she has blond streaks in her hair with black. She have these beautiful ocean sea eyes colors. she wears these sandal that has silver print leather name on it. She wears a mask has a Kyubi on it. She is the same age as i am. Satomi said'' Ryukoi i am not sure if our father approves of your love interest. He might turn it down last time you pick so poorly. That girl Karu was not nice and she left you by going out with your best friend Calcem. Ryukoi said'' I know Satomi!'' But i can't be mad at Calcem but i am mad at her Karu for betraying me. After all she carries his child in her stomach. Kimaria walked in the room saw Ryukoi said'' Ryukoi meet me in the woods. '' Ryukoi walk out of the room walked in the wood to find Kimaria. Kimaria told Ryukoi that she was engaged to him from their clans marriage contract between their family. Ryukoi said'' Since when?!'' Kimaria said'' when we were young kids playing in the sandbox together. Your father spoke to my father about making their clans stronger and plus they want grandchildren.''
    Ryukoi nodded was happy and little surprised. Kuma and others said '' What happened Ryukoi?'' You took off in a big flash.'' Temuru said'' Sorry son i didn't want to tell you because i thought it would a big suprised gift for you on your 21th birthday son.'' Ryukoi nodded still frown at his father. Satomi smile lightly trying to stay out of the fight between Ryukoi and Temuru.