• Lamp: It is bright when turned on by something else. Just like out brain.

    Clock: Watching the time constantly. Just as we do most of the time.

    Television: Having someone else's picture played through it. People want us to be something we're not sometimes.

    Telephone: Just waiting to be answered or talked to. (self explanatory)

    Carpet/Floor: Tired of being walked all over. People walk on us sometimes and we let them because there is nothing we can do.

    Plant: Survives when fed, watered, and nurtured by something. A lot of times, we cannot stand on our own two feet and need someone to provide for us.

    Beurer: Holds the important things we need. As we mature in age, our secrets, passions, thoughts, and all are stored in our head.

    Book: Judged by the cover and often misinterpreted. We, as humans, are often judged, or judge other people based upon their appearances. Almost as often, people don't understand us the way we want them to.

    Comforter/Blanket: Protects us and keeps us warm. Most people want someone or something to protect and keep warm when they are in danger or distress.

    Shelf: Holds up our items. As time goes by, people begin to think they have a lot on their shoulders and are tired of holding other people's things for them.

    Picture/Art: Loves to be looked at and admired. Vanity is a dark quality that is most of the time a terrible thing to possess. But, sometimes, it's okay to want to be admired and noticed, and catch a spectator's eye.