• I grew as a little steam, little by little. Life seem to be so bright, warm and safe... Lit by sun my leaves started growing, I was so happy back then. Step by Step other flowers like I grew, it was so much fun at the begining! I loved being around them, it was something enjoyable, but not for long. Soon life painted it's flith on them, changinging them, growing sharp thorns around them, big leaves to drown me. They weren't my friends anymore, they were enemies.It was like a war, but I was the only one without allies. Other wise flowers use just tell for a second to stop stabbing and drowning me between their leaves, but later on they just gave up. It seemed I will sray forever with unopened bud, just dyeing, between their leaves, they are weeds. Something miraculous have happened, I was replated between flowers like me. Most of them are blooming with all their beauty, while I. I stay with my closed bud, scared to bloom, haunted by feeling if I'll bloom, that again I'll be surrounded by thorns and leaves, but I hope, hope to bloom brightly one day. I believe it will happen one day, hopefully not too late...