• Republicans, don’t they just have a knack for “fixing” things in a way that leaves you feeling like your in kindergarten again? How superbly they take care of are nation, what nation doesn’t love feeling like there arguing with a bunch of greedy infants? America certainly loves it because they bye into every tentratantrom and name calling fit
    the republicans indulge in.
    Take the Obama administration. Yes Obama is a democrat I know this. Oh what a naughty word if you’re a republican! Agreeing with a democrat is like agreeing with a “big poopy-head” you just don’t do it! Even when that “big poppy-head” is serving you everything you clamed you wanted on a silver platter with ice cream on top! and you can never ever admit that he has actually accomplished something, or might have good ideas if you took your fingers out of your ears and stopped chanting “lalala I cant here you!” at the top of your lungs
    What baffles me is how the American public can still follow the republican’s after there tentratantum they threw over the debt ceiling! A government shut down? Now really, who dose that help? Besides, its about paying our bills, for services we already used! How can you even through a fit? But that’s the thing about republicans, they act like a bunch of babies, only instead of candy they want the green stuff!
    The American public, so like sheep in many ways, follow the childlike republicans, and its only a matter of time before the republicans lead them off the cliff and there is no turning back. The republicans look out for the 1% with the money, so why dose anyone in the 99% vote for them? But that’s just how America is, no asking why or, god forbid, thinking! Just side with the ones yelling the loudest, and as anyone who has ever herd a kindergartener scream can tell you, the loudest is the child like republicans
    On top of than there dumber than a box of rocks, just look at the GOP canadets and you can see that. I thought is didn’t get any worse than George Bush, but in Rick Perry we found some one not only less intelligent, but less articulate too. Though Michael Bachman recently pulled out, she wasn’t much better. Between her telling Elvis happy birthday on the day he died and her husband running “gay exorcisms” is it any wonder she was last?
    To fit the kindergarteners description there quite mean too. There is one instance where GOP canadet Romny basically said let an uninsured man die and the crowed cheered! Another instance where they cheered the execution of a innocent man! And the third exhibit of there cruelty is the most infuriating. During a GOP debate a solder stood up, a man who risked his life for this nation, and said “I’m gay, what do you think of the repeal of DADT” (don’t ask don’t tell) and the crowed booed him!
    Honestly America, when are you going to stop following the screaming toddler in front of you? What dose it take for you too see that just because they point there finger and say “bad” dose not mean it is? Will you wait till your plummeting to your death to see, when its too late and no one can help? Its time to put the republicans down for a nap, maybe they’ll wake up more mature, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.