• What do you do if you're stuck inbetween?
    An indefinite limbo of love and hatred.
    Liking two people and hating yourself for it.
    You can't have them both.
    And being with one is great but being with the other is forbidden joy.
    His lips a forbidden fruit.
    A mere bite and your life will crumble.
    A temptation fueled by lust.
    But is it lust or love?
    Can humanity differentiate between the two?
    Is lust not forbidden love, still an essence of love itself?

    I'll tell you more of these two men.
    One's an insecure guy,
    ridiculing others to distance himself.
    Easily angered.
    My First Love.
    The other a suave poet.
    Hair like the sand and eyes like the sea.
    Also insecure. Bitter from a lack of love.
    Forbidden to me.

    Which do I choose?
    Whatever I do I always end up thinking
    'What if i had chosen the other one?'
    And that thought will haunt me for forever and a day.
    These are my broken dreams.... and my forbidden wishes.