• V1.
    an introduction needs no boundries
    i am not alone
    redemption seemed so clearly
    closer than my bedroom window
    trophies of accomplishments
    greater than my own
    hold a place inside me saying
    i'll never be your equal

    so lift your song upon my shoulders
    and leave your fears at the door
    just play the music from within
    and don't be afraid to show your sin

    a hesitation for this lifetime
    gives me hope for me
    a destination guideline
    shows me my own reflection
    rewards of abandonment
    taint me through my skin
    and make me feel like i
    can be a child again

    who are you to tell me
    i'm not good enough
    who are you to say
    i don't dream enough
    when will you tell me
    to turn the music louder
    when will you realize
    i'm better after all

    2nd CH.
    so drift upon the broken waters
    and bleed your tears on the floor
    just pray that you will be forgiven
    and don't think that i am driven
    to give in