• Living A Melody

    Over the blue sky morning lays a dream of mine.
    A dream I will find in dear time.
    Some say we are meant to walk this world alone.
    Life is a mystery and has its own tone.
    The music of living plays through us all.
    Enhancing our lives as nature calls.
    Earths tones are sometimes bright & cheery.
    Others are filled with darkness and are dreary.
    No matter what your music pace may be.
    Let the music guide you to your destiny.
    Sometimes the music may skip a few beats.
    But don't let it knock you off of your feet.
    When the music stops, it will consume us all.
    Everything around us will crumble and fall.
    Until that moment that is up ahead.
    Let the music of life take you to a place worth being led.