• Bronze hair, topaz eyes.
    He hides behind all the lies.
    Nobody loves him, he lives in fear.
    he bares the scars and sheds a tear.

    What did he do to deserve this?
    Why do his parents beat him?
    The teachers see and wonder.
    His friends dont ask
    They know he'll lie anyways.

    He keeps it a secret
    He thinks it's his fault
    He wonders why this happens to him.
    Day in and Day out this happens to him.

    Finally he's has enough.
    He takes a few pills and hopes he dies.
    His parents see him.
    They go crazy and beat him bad.
    When they're done hes not breathing
    He gone to a better place.
    His parents pay for what they did,
    in prison for years and years! crying