• How do you know
    What love feels like
    How do you know
    What love looks like

    Do you know the way
    To my heart
    I can't stand
    To be alone

    Without hearing
    A word from you
    I love you
    With every beat

    My heart makes
    Inside my chest
    The heart
    That loves you

    You say
    The sweetest things
    That make it skip a beat
    Do I have my

    Happy ending like
    In my fairytales
    I love to read so much
    I want to be

    With you
    You want to be
    With me

    You say
    Sweet things in my ear
    You say
    Stuff that make my heart soar

    Whan I have
    My head in the clouds
    Day dreaming of
    What could be

    Together in the future
    Forever in love
    Nothing to break us apart
    Fighting to be with each other

    You came into my life
    You stole my heart
    You played with my emotions
    You threw my heart away

    Where's my Cinderella Story
    Where's my Prince Charming
    Where's my Fairytale Ending
    Where's the man I feel in love with

    You say
    You say
    You say
    You say

    You protect me
    with all your heart
    You love me
    With all your heart

    I love you
    You say these three little
    Words that me smile
    Everytime I hear them coming from your lips

    You say
    You say
    You say
    You say