• A year passed by with the woman he adores
    it was a festive evening of December 24th.
    A year of happiness they spent together,
    There was pain and there was love,
    there was anger, yet they've never been apart.
    They walked down the crowded street, held each other's hand,
    Bells jingled, their fingers tingled and the choir sang.
    He took a glimpse of her eyes and realized his love was pure
    for it was luminous and clear as sunshine's dew.
    They continued on, her head laid gently on his shoulder
    and thought about the feeling of isolation, before they had each other.
    She stopped and looked through a window glass,
    for there stood a glistening diamond ring...
    Right then and there, he knew he needed her,
    To be more than just a simple lover
    After a joyous dinner under the dancing candle lights,
    he gave her a kiss and took off into the night.
    There he stood behind window glass
    the ring gleamed brightly, to others it surpassed
    He got out the store, his eyes full of hope
    The ring in his pocket, as he headed for home
    The snow fell heavily, yet he did not care
    Because everything he had wished for was already there
    He opened the door, his coat covered in snow
    She took notice and hugged him to prevent the cold
    her ear against his chest, his heartbeat she could feel
    As he stood and wonder how a dream could’ve felt so real.
    He took the ring out from his pocket and knelt on his knees...
    "Baby...will you marry me?"
    "To be with each other for an eternity" he continued,
    "Would you be mine until the end of time"
    "to be my one and only, the special girl to call mine"
    "we'll never ever part..."
    "Because you'll always be in my heart" she finished...
    "I love you, yes I do" she said with tears in her pretty green eyes...
    "and yes, I'll be your bride"
    "I'd love to wear a wedding gown on our elegant wedding night..."
    "Baby, each other is all we need"
    He got up and gave her a kiss
    fitted the ring on her gentle finger, their lips caressed
    They smiled at each other, tears glistened in their eyes,
    they knew they were meant to be.
    "Baby, you and me"
    "I wished upon the stars every night for that special girl in my life"
    "And now you stand before my eyes..."
    "nowhere would I rather want be"
    "than having you together with me"
    Together they sang...
    "Together always..."
    "The love that never fade"
    "The love that's true and free"
    "The love of you and me”